Saturday, April 16, 2011

Obama Lied, The Economy Died

I was planning on using this post to use this post to detail how the Republicans lost the 2011 budget battle instead of winning it like you will hear from the news media, instead, due to recent events I must change my focus.

While it is true that the Republicans caved on their budget promise to the people of this great nation, I have now reached the conclusion that it is of no fault of their own that they could not complete this promise. It is hard to uphold your promises when you are so stupid that you will believe anything that is told to you by your political opponents, instead of fulfilling the promises you made. You have now set the stage for your defeat in 2012.

After all, we started out with a promise to cut 100 billion from the 2011 budget, but after much name calling, you caved. So then it was 61 billion, and you swore that you would stand firm on that, yet once again, the mud slinging caused you to slip and fall further. Wanting to prove that you didn't want women and children to die or old people to eat dog food, you dropped the cuts to 31 billion. Someone in the Republican party must have realized that a mistake had been made though, so you then worked it back to 38.6 billion.

You smiled and patted yourselves on the back after that, never mind that we the people were demanding that you ignore the vilification and keep your promise. The news media touted about how this was such a great victory for the Republican party and the Dems hung their heads in defeat, screaming bloody murder about how draconian these cuts were! But little did you know, that the Dems were actually laughing and praising themselves for being so clever. The Dems played up their defeat while the CBO got to work on the that actual numbers.

Within a few days the CBO report came out revealing the vile treachery of the Democrat party was thrown into the light. The 38.6 billion in budget cuts only came out to little more then 300 million, and on top of that it added 3 billion to the over all budget instead of actually cutting it.

To make matters worse it comes out that Obama had promised to cut 4 key czar positions then in a written statement said He would not hold up his end of the bargain. The czars that he was supposed to cut were, the Health Care, Climate Change, Auto Industry and Urban affair czars in case you were wondering. Obama lied, waited till all was said and done, then in written word confirmed too all that would listen.... he lied. In a bold move he openly admitted he lied, no sugar coating it, he lied.

Republicans, please explain how it is you trusted this war criminal to up hold his end of any bargain? He has already stated that he will do anything he has to to see his vision for this country come to pass, so how could you believe he would up hold anything? Are you really that stupid?

Think about it, the man that has passed illegal laws and shoved them down the American peoples throats, telling them they will thank him for it! This is the man that illegally went to war without the approval of congress! This is the man who talks down to anyone who disagrees with him because he knows better! This is the man who said he would cut the budget and then at every turn has tried to increase it instead! This man that has passes executive orders that fall outside his given power! This is the man who can't tell the truth about anything, because the truth one day may change for him the next! What the hell makes you think he would do anything he promised to do?!?!?!?

Now because of your caving on the 2011 budget, you have proven you can't be trusted as much as our future dictator can't be trusted.

Obama on the other hand is setting himself up to be the dictator the liberals claimed Bush was and there is no one in Washington that we the people can trust to stop him. The man has grown bold, knowing there is no one to oppose him, after all the Dems think he is the messiah and the Republicans are fools, easily lead astray.

Obama should be impeached for all the crimes he has committed, yet who will stand against him? Not the Dems, Not the Republicans!