Monday, August 15, 2011

How to Deal With Cancer, or, Time To Start Cutting

Due to the recent folding of the majority of our Republican House and Senate members on the Debt Limit Deal, the recent attacks (verbal) on the patriotic Americans that call themselves the Tea Party, and the nations first ever credit downgrade, I have decided to write this.

The Tea Party has supported the ideas of a fiscally responsible nation throughout it's short existence. These ideas haven't been the most popular with most Democrats, even the ones that claim they are working toward getting us fiscally responsible. The one thing these Dems keep insisting that we need to do to bring ourselves to fiscal responsibility is raise taxes on the wealthy. They don't seem to see the fact that such action will harm the job producers in this country, this in turn will put more people out of work, something we don't need when we such a high unemployment (9.1% of eligible workers are currently filing for unemployment, if you look at the percentage that have stopped trying in to that number you get something more like 18%).

Now, before I go any further, let me clear one thing up so not to confuse you. When I refer to the Tea Party I am not necessarily referring to the Republican party. The Tea Party is comprised of Fiscal Conservatives who want to curb spending for the good of the nation. The Republican party has members of the Tea Party within their ranks, but the Republican party itself does not represent the Tea Party most of the time, in fact it seems like they are fighting against the Tea Party because they are afraid of losing power to the whims of the people. They should be working with the Tea Party instead of against them considering that they both are supposed to be standing same ideals.

The Republicans though are afraid of the Tea Part movement due to the fact that they are now being held under a microscope by the people that they claim to represent, making it much harder for them to get away with all the self serving policies they were passing. They are so afraid of the Tea Party holding them accountable that they have begun to join the Dems in demonizing the Tea Party in an effort to push them out of the picture so that they don't have to worry about their positions.

The Tea Party (the people, not just the politicians) realizes that taxes are just going to hurt us and that the real path to fiscal responsibility is to curb the spending that has become so prevalent as time has passed. They realized that someone had to take a stand in order to stop the wasteful spending in Washington DC and since it appeared no one in Washington DC would step up to plate, they stood up and elected people that stood for what they believed. These individuals have stood up to the Dems, the Republicans, and even Obama, fighting to cut spending and get our deficit under control.

In the recent battle over the debt-ceiling, they stood strong and were even able to provide a backbone for the Republicans that normally would have folded immediately. S&P warned the nation that if it didn't get serious about cutting our spending it would be forced to downgrade us from a AAA to a AA+ rating, meaning that the value of our dollar would drop even more and our interest rates would jump (I know the fed came out later and said it would not raise interest rates, but that is really a sham, will explain later). Unfortunately, the Tea Party candidates just weren't able to support the weight of the entire Republican party and, due to mounting pressure from the Dems and the far left, most of the Republicans caved in the end, leaving the Tea Party high and dry. As a result, the debt-ceiling was raised and our spending cuts were left to the whim of 6 Dems and 6 Republicans (All of whom I honestly think won't do a damn thing) who, if they can't reach a consensus, will cause automatic spending cuts to go into affect (mainly on the military). This method of making cuts (Oh, they can also raise taxes if they deem, just thought I would mention that) is bad for the country and bypasses the ways set up by the Constitution for controlling our spending.

On top of that, S&P, true to their word downgraded us, this sent the Wallstreet into a major downturn, losing all of the gains made in the year over a few short days. The Fed, as a response said it wouldn't raise interest rates, instead it would leave them where they were at till 2013, just long enough for another administration to deal with unless (heaven forbid) Obama wins his reelection bid in 2012. If that happens, then the Obama administration can continue it's destructive policies unhindered.

Now, because of all the misfortune brought on due to the insanity of the Dems policies of keep doing the same thing and hope for a different outcome, and due to the Republicans proving once again that they have no spine (even when one is provided via the Tea Party they slither off it so they can fold under pressure), we are in an even bigger mess then before.

Who do you think both the Republicans and the Dems are blaming all this on? The Tea Party.

Just like the Obama administration has done throughout it's entire time in power, the Dems and the Republicans have decided to try to pull the wool over the eyes of everyone by blaming their new scapegoat, the Tea Party. This behavior is expected of the Dems (sadly enough), but the Republicans jumping on the bandwagon with the Dems is downright reprehensible. They are attacking the people who have stood up for them, backed them against the assault of the Liberal machine, and voted for them so that they could do the right thing and balance the power in Washington. The fact that they would turn their backs on the people who put them where they are is disgusting.

Now to be fair, there are still some Republican that still stand with the Tea Party even though they were not Tea Party candidates and those have done this nation proud by standing on principal. These party members have shown real courage standing up to their colleagues and will have the full backing of the Tea Party in the election cycle that is coming up (my opinion, not fact). The rest of the Republican party though has proven itself to be unreliable and in need of removal.

We need to cut these Senate and House members like the cancerous growths that they are and cut them out for good, then we need to make sure that we replace them with people who will stand up for the ideals of the Tea Party. Until we replace every last Republican that voted for this disaster, we will continue to go down the path of destruction that we are on. We need people who are willing to stand up and stand strong in the face of the demagoguery that will be thrown at them. We need men and women of principle. We need to save America.