Friday, April 20, 2012

It's A Dog Eat Dog World

Ok, the silliness that has gotten started about the whole dog thing between Romney and Obama is starting to get on my nerves.  Yes, in 1983, Mitt Romney took a 650 mile trip with his family to their vacation home.  Yes, their dog was on the roof of the car the whole way, but he was in a carrier that was strapped down and had a windshield to protect the dog from the wind.  Yes the dog got sick during the trip, but it was because he had gotten into some human food that disagreed with him before the trip, not because he was so terrified from being on top of the car.  The dog was used to traveling in that fashion and, if he is like most dogs, he more than enjoyed it.  The fact that people would suggest that this is a valid concern in the upcoming election is just stupid.  The fact that Obama would use this as an attack against Romney is stupid.  Why?  Because there are more important issues to worry about than if some carries their dog in a kennel that is strapped down to the top of their vehicle.
As for this retaliation from the Romney camp about the fact that Obama grew up knowingly eating dog… So what?  Yes Obama knew it was dog when he ate it.  Yes, he was a young man at the time living in Indonesia with his step-father.  Yes, dog is a common dish over there that people eat.  But I must reiterate, once again, that is not an important issue. 
The fact that these two candidates want to attack each over issues dealing with dogs when there are much more important issues at hand is just ridiculous.  I know Obama can’t run on the real issues that plague our nation today because it would just highlight his failures, but he could run against Romney’s plans that he has presented.  It’s not a perfect plan but it would stick to the issues at hand when it comes to his opponent.  As for Romney, he really needs to call Obama out on all the failed policies of his administration that have gotten us to the point that we are at now, highlight the failures and present reasonable solutions to get us to a better place both fiscally and globally. 
Seriously, is too much to ask to our presidential candidates to behave adults and cut out the childish behavior by addressing the serious issues that face out nation in an open and honest fashion?  Is it?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Some Thoughts on the Eventual Republican Nominee

Well, I know it has been a while since my last post and a lot has happened in the political realm, but never fear, I am back for a little bit.  Work has gotten extremely busy for me so I have not had as much time to focus on my novel as I would like, so I have put it on the back burners for now.  This doesn’t mean that I am going to start posting regularly on my blogs once more, because more than likely I am not.  I just don’t really have the time to do that.  I do have the time to really sit down and write blog posts out regularly, much less work on my novel.  When work slows down a bit I can pick the novel back up but till then I think I will stick to sporadic blog posts.  Once I finally finish the novel, I will be back to posting regularly on my blogs while I take a break between books and start focusing on trying to sell them.  But anyway, on to what I was focus on for this post.
It looks like we finally have our Republican nomination even though Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich refuse to drop out of the race.  Technically I guess you could say that we are still in primary season, but look at our “choices”…  We have a choice between the crazy guy, Ron Paul, the career politician that idolizes FDR, Newt Gingrich, and Obama-lite, Mitt Romney.  Not really much of a choice there is it?  Not that there really is a choice left, Romney is so far ahead in having delegates that there really in no way that Gingrich or Paul can catch up.  Romney is going to have this one in the bag and that is mainly due to the people who say “anyone but Obama,” which is a dangerous attitude to have.  It is for that reason that we lost all of the truly good conservative candidates early in the primaries.  The liberal news media saw those candidates as the largest threat to Obama’s presidency and went after them full force to knock them out before they could get any serious ground.  In doing so, the liberal media effectively made the “anybody but Obama,” people say “It’s ok, anybody will be better than what we currently have so let’s not stand by the people that are clearly to best choice, drop them and move on to the next best thing.”  That kind of thinking is what has now saddled us with Mitt Romney, aka Obama-lite.
You may be wondering why I call Romney Obama-lite, well if you will recall from previous posts I referred to Mitt as Obama 2.0.  The reason I call him this is due to how similar he is to Obama in policies when it comes to things like healthcare.  Granted Mitt has publicly stated that government healthcare is a state’s issue not a federal issue but the fact remains that Romneycare was the base that Obamacare was built on.  Due to this I have pretty much determined that regardless of who wins the presidential election, we, as a nation, are screwed.
Really when you think about it, it boils down who do we want to destroy us.  Obama will take us down fast and quick, look at the job he has done so far, and our destruction will insure that the new Communist States of Obamica forms quickly, left hordes of mindless worker drones to fill the gaps left by all the sane people who fled or were killed because they were a little too free thinking.  If you don’t believe that that would happen, do some research and see what happens to educated people and people who won’t conform in communistic states.  Mitt on the other hand will take a softer approach.  Don’t get me wrong, it will be the almost same one that Obama would take, just scaled back, which, would cause it to linger on for quite a time longer then Obama’s would and be devoid of the heavy communistic leanings that Obama would employ which would also make it drag out longer.  The up note of Mitt is, even though he would kill us eventually, if we survive his term, we may survive to get a conservative in office that can fix all the crap either of these two idiots can do to us.
So, in light of Mittens being the only one that I believe we could potentially survive, I have to say this…