Sorry for not posting sooner but work has been crazy busy for me recently. My posting will be sporadic till things slow down here, so now with out further adieu...
I know I criticize the President quite often, I do. The reason for this is the fact that I am not convinced all the things he has done that is tearing our country down were done with the best interest of our country in mind. Everything the President has done (in my opinion) points to him trying to destroy the values that this nation was built on. Now whether he is just an idiot without a clue or he is doing this with the destruction of our values and economic standing in mind, I don't know.
I want to think he is just an idiot, I do, but idiot or not, he is devaluing our nation's values, morals and economy.
To be fair, Obama isn't the one who started up down this path. This started many years ago when the progressives first got into power. They set up (I know there are more then this, just making a point) the federal tax system, welfare system, social security as well as legislation designed to push industry out in the name of conservation.
"But all those are for the good of the country and it's people!" you say. On the surface these programs sound good, right? After all, the country needs money and the only way to get that reliably is through taxes, right? Well, yes, the country does need funds to operate but what most people don't realize is the way it is supposed to be set up is the states tax their populace then the state pays taxes to the federal government. Not the state taxes it's people and pays the federal government while the federal government taxes the people as well. Originally the way things were set up it was states responsibility for setting the taxes for the people. This allowed states to compete with one another other and made the federal government reliant on the states to operate. This also insured that the states didn't have their sovereignty impeded upon by the federal government.
Once the federal income tax was forced upon the people, it opened the door for the feds to start taking over more and more aspects that had once been considered as the responsibility of the states. This has lead a lose of state sovereignty and an imposing of the federal government's will upon the people. (it has also led to tons of wasted money that was spent on things that it never was meant to for and this has lead to out lovely deficit, but that is a rant for another time)
And those who are unable to work due to disability or unfortunate circumstances should be taken care of, right? Why, yes they should, but the biggest problem with out welfare system is the amount of people that abuse it. In an ideal world it the welfare system wouldn't be needed anyway because the people that can work should support the people that legitimately can't. Unfortunately, this isn't an ideal world. There are people that just don't care about anyone other then themselves, therefor they don't care to help anyone. Then there are the people that realize that there are people who will lie and cheat to get others to help them, thus keeping the money from the people that actually need it, therefor they don't want to give money to help anyone.
The people who lie and cheat the system (this includes the politicians that take money from welfare and waste it elsewhere) are the ones that are breaking our welfare system. These people will do anything they can to avoid having to work and and contribute to society. I remember a group of girls as I was growing up that would talk about how they wanted to get pregnant as soon as they could and have as many babies as they could so that the government would take care of them. What a sorry bunch of losers! The sad thing is, our welfare system actually encourages this ridiculous and pathetic behaviour.
If we are going to keep the welfare system we really need to sit down, examine the people in it and go case by case to see who needs it and who is abusing it. If someone is mentally retarded and can't work then yes, they should be completely taken care of. If they can work but due to their retardation can't hold a full time job, then the should be supported by the system and have people who help them find jobs they can do and not be abused at. If someone is permanently physically disabled due to injury or birth defect them yes, they should be taken care of (much in the same fashion presented for the mentally handicapped).
If someone has fallen on hard times due to the various events of life, we should reach out and lift them up. The key wording being "lift them up" not "carry them completely". I think this is the key area where we need to go case by case. If someone has had life throw them a curve ball that isn't of their own devising (getting pregnant, buying houses you can't afford, and whatever other irresponsible actions you can think of are considered of their own devising) then they should be given a hand up. Helping them get their life in order so that they can pull themselves up and out of the hole and strike out on their own is a good thing. We just need to make sure they don't get locked into the system and that they make the effort to get back on their feet.
And if you work hard your whole life, paying into the system you should expect to have the system take care of you in your twilight years, right? If you are paying into the system then yes, you should get the return on your investment. The problem here being it should be an investment for you future, but politicians have access to your investment and and use it to pay for their little pet projects that will never put the money back that they take.
Social Security has actually become Social Liability due to this practice. The people who currently pay into Social Security are supposed to be paying money that they can then see when they get to retirement age. But slowly over time (due the the diligent help of our elected officials) it has slipped to where the people that are currently paying in are not paying for themselves, but are paying for the people currently on Social Security. The biggest problem with this is the law of diminishing returns. The more people that go on SS will draw more and more causing the people paying in to have to their money spread between more and more people. Granted you have more people entering the workforce and contributing, but, with inflation people are making less money, therefor paying less money and supporting more people. Everyone gets a little less more and more often, and when you factor in the politicians dipping their grubby little fingers into the fund, you have a problem.
SS is soon to be broke and everyone is turning a blind eye. We need to just dissolve SS and reform it in such a way that nobody else can touch your money that you pay into it. "But that will leave all the current retirees in a hole, abandoning them!" Not if you keep people paying a portion of what they pay into SS while also having them pay into the new system gradually and completely phasing out the payments to SS while phasing them into the new system. As well as placing protections on what is left in SS so that it can't be wasted on pet projects. Sure it will take a long time to completely shift to the new system but that is the best route I can see.
And who isn't for helping the environment out? Helping the environment out is all fine and dandy, but we have taken it to the point of ridiculousness. The environmentalist have so gimped our ability to tap into our nations natural resources that we are having to rely on nations that don't care about the damage they do to the environment for resources. In the process we are causing these nations to overtax their lands because of the demand, that they are doing more harm to the environment then we ever would. So by conserving our land here, we hurt ourselves economically (due to the high cost we have to pay others for stuff we have here naturally), we risk our sovereignty as a nation (due to having to rely so heavily on the other nations), and we assist in (this is for all you green movement people) destruction of mother earth by concentrating the damage done in a smaller, not giving it time to recover. So all the green movement crap is really counter productive when you look at it like that.
We need to stop screwing ourselves over and start harnessing our natural resources once again. it will help us economically and help slow the destruction done to the earth in other nations due to lowering demand.
Obama pushes these programs harder and harder trying to reinforce them and build them up, making them bigger and bigger. Eventually something will have to give. If we keep going along this path it will be us.
Mr. Obama, I know you think you need a way to secure your second term and the best way to do that is with a war. Sir, I implore you, don't make your third war with the American people.
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