Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Anonymous, Fighters for Freedom? Nay, Fighters for Fear

I have to thank the liberals that use the comments section of news stories on Fox News web site for inspiring this post.  After an hour of trying to explain the simple concept of what qualifies as terrorism, I had to wash my hands of the willfully ignorant people (Yes I am talking about you "thinkanonymous") that populate those dredges.

The story was about the hacker group "Anonymous" and their recent attack against the city of Orlando, Florida by taking down their tourism website with the promise of more to come if their demands are not met.  What are their demands you ask?  They want the leader of the group "Food not Bombs" released from jail after he broke the law by passing out food to the homeless in one of the city's many parks without a permit.  I know, it sounds like the city just arrested a person for having some compassion on those less fortunate, but lets get some facts out in the open. 

1.  The group "Food not Bombs" was purposely feeding people in the park in defiance of the law stating that a permit was required.  These people knew that they were breaking the law and are lucky only their leader was arrested.  If you knowingly break the law then you have to expect to have to pay the consequences.

2.  The city had it's reasons for putting this law into place.  They wanted to discourage the homeless from harassing the citizens and tourists of Orlando.  This would also help cut down on crimes against the homeless that took place in these places.  Also, it protects the people who get a license from lawsuit if they feed a homeless person who then chokes on the food or has an allergic reaction to the food.

3.  The city isn't preventing people from feeding the homeless.  If anyone wants to set up a soup kitchen for the homeless of Orlando in any of the parks, then all the have to do is obtain a permit for it.  There are plenty of organizations and people out there that wish to help those in need and this gives those people and organizations a safe and legal way to do so.

Now on to my point...

Anonymous, by attacking Orlando's websites, have committed criminal actions in an attempt to create fear of retaliation if the city doesn't meet their demands.  This by definition, is an act of terrorism, plain and simple.  It doesn't matter about the method of attack, cyber or otherwise.  Below is the definition of terrorism courtesy of

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

If Anonymous's actions don't fall under that definition then I don't know what does.  Anonymous over the last few years has attacked multiple businesses and even government organizations to try to intimidate the victims into bending to their will.  This is just the latest in a long line of crimes these terrorists have committed. 

Also, to respond to some of the stuff "thinkanonymous" said arguing (his/her only defence was that what Anonymous did isn't deserving of death despite I kept trying to point out that not all terrorism crimes are sentencable by death) with me after I gave him/her the hand to talk to, he/she tried to make the case that Anonymous isn't terrorist...

"you think that taking down a site is worthy of execution. it's is not, by definition, terrorism."-thinkanonymous

Actually, yes it is, it falls under the definition of terrorism. It is all in the intent behind the action. Look back up to the definition above.  Got it?  Good. Moving on.  You (thinkanonymous) kept insisting that I was calling for the members of Anonymous to be put to death, but if your tiny little smooth liberal brain would have read, I kept stating "Not all crimes that are acts of terrorism are punishable by death.  Committing crimes in order to make people comply to demands out of fear of the ramifications of the consequences, is by definition, terrorism."  Not that hard to understand, is it? 

Anonymous is a without a doubt, a terrorist organization and it's members that are involved in these various attacks over the years should be tracked down and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for the crimes they have committed. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Needed Response to Idiots

I feel the need to respond to two letters that have recently been published (Wednesday, June 22, 2011) in the Letters to the Editor section of the Tuscaloosa News. I am first going to type up the letter so you can see them then post my response to each. I also plan to send this to the editor and hope they print it as a reply. Here is the first.....

What exactly has Israel done for us?

Dear Editor: This is in response to Debbie Jones' letter "America needs to wake up."

Jones would encourage the U.S. to support the nation of Israel with the silly notion that not to do so would mean that our "Western way of life would be in jeopardy."

I believe what we should be asking ourselves as a nation is, "What has Israel done for us lately?" When has the state of Israel contributed any troops in the numerous wars that are their own backyard? And just what do we get for the approximately $4 billion we send them each and every year in foreign aid?

In fact, Israel and its lobby (AIPAC) has had a very long, if not appropriate, influence in our electoral process and policies in this country. Congressional candidates are carefully screened by AIPAC for their views on the Middle East and are coached to modify positions that are regarded as unacceptable. In other words, they buy votes!

Jones writes that"God Bless America" would soon "ring hollow" if we didn't continue to support the state of Israel. In my opinion, we could probably all start counting our blessings if we would simply stop!

There is one point in Debbie Jones' letter that I can agree with though, and that's that "America needs to wake up!"

James Hallman

Holt, AL

I hate to inform Mr. Hallman of this, but here goes... Israel has done a lot for the USA. Israel has provided military support in the Middle East without fail, when asked. Israel has pledged to support the USA in our endeavors in the Middle East, both in the political arena and the military arena. Israel has provided the USA with invaluable intelligence that have helped the military plan strikes against our enemies as well as locate objectives that the USA wanted to capture or rescue. Also, the Israeli Special Forces help train US Military troops on a regular basis as well as handle some of the interrogations on key Al-Qaeda members that have been caught so that we can keep our hands clean. Israel also has been a reliable staging ground in the Middle East for the US military.

As for the lobbying Israel does to our members of Congress, every nation tries to influence the politics here just as the USA does in other nations. If a nation can bring the politicians of another nation around to seeing things their way, it benefits them. Israel isn't out there brainwashing our members of congress as you suggest. Israel isn't buying votes anymore then the local city council member is when they hand out pens and buttons to their constituency while telling them about what they stand for.

Israel has done these all things for the USA while being surrounded on all sides by people who want to destroy them. I think Israel deserves more respect then it has gotten in recent days from the president and a small amount of the American people.

Now on to the address the second letter.....

Immigration law wastes state resouces

Dear Editor: Here we go again. The governor and the state legislators have been struggling with the budget to decide how to make do with the money that is in precious supply in this state.

So what do they spend their time on? Writing an anti-immigration law that is in lock step with several others that are already tied up in battles in the federal court system. Why do they think they have everything right where others are wrong? It is the same old thing, political posturing.

When resources are low we do not need to be inviting lengthy court battles that will take state attorneys, or worse yet, require the state to hire private attorneys, to fight this battle that the courts have already prevented from being enforced in at least two states.

This law is wrong on its face and any thinking person will have to agree. No one in America has ever had to carry citizenship papers on their person before now. This will really help in attracting foreign companies to open their doors in Alabama, I bet. So their employees and families can be harassed and jailed if they don't have the proper papers on them. Welcome to Alabama's version of Russia.

William A. Formby, PhD

Northport, AL

Mr. Formby has this all wrong. The reason the other anti-illegal immigration bills have been tied up in court is because the Obama administration is fighting against both federal law (which these bills mirror) and states rights to defend its citizens against an outside threat from another country when the US government won't.

This bill isn't an attack against immigration if it is done in the legal fashion. Also, all the bills that are being fought over from other states are not wrong. That has yet to be decided in the court of law. The parts that have been prevented from being enforced so far are the parts that the courts decided would be hard, if not impossible, to undo the damage done to someones' life if the final ruling goes against the bill. That does not mean the bill is wrong or illegal.

As for the lengthy court battles that shall arise from this bill being passed, if the bill is deemed legal and becomes law, it will save the state money in the long term as well as give US citizens the chance to fill the jobs that the illegals were preventing them from obtaining. This would be better for both our national and state economy.

Also, Mr. Formby states "No one in America has ever had to carry citizenship papers before now." What does he think a driver license or a state issued ID is? Doesn't he know that by law we are supposed to be able to present identification to law enforcement officers when asked? That part of this bill is nothing new, it is just a reinforcement of an existing law and anyone here legally has nothing to fear from this bill.

Oh, and as for the foreign companies that come here to build plants like Mercedes, any foreign citizen that is brought over to the USA to work is issued a workers permit that says they have a right to be here. That acts like a social security number for those individuals but with a time limit. It is the workers responsibility to get this renewed, not the states or the employer.

The companies that bring their business to Alabama from other countries do it because of the incentives Alabama offers to them, not immigration policy. They will continue to come to Alabama as long as they are offered these incentives and they will continue to employ Alabamians as long as this relationship continues.

Mr. Formby also states " Welcome to Alabama's version of Russia." Really? Wow, I didn't know Russia (or the USSR as I think Mr. Formby meant) had it so good.

Monday, June 13, 2011

1967 Israeli Borders? HELL NO!!!

Prime Minister Netanyahu,

I know you will probably never read this but, I'm going to have my say. Don't cave into Obama's ultimatum about the borders of Israel. He must have no clue what he is saying otherwise he would know how stupid and dangerous this demand is. His demands puts your nation in such danger from the enemies that surround you that it could ignite a full blown world war if Israel has an all out attack launched at it. Your enemies have proven time and time again that they will exploit any little opening and weakness that they can find in your defences. This ultimatum issued Barack Obama opens Israel for attacks on multiple fronts to where you will not be able to defend yourselves adequately.

I also want you and all of Israel to know that America is still behind you. We support you even if our President does not. The American people will not abandon Israel. Soon, Obama will be gone and hopefully we will elect someone who will openly show support for you and not the many terrorist states that surround you. The American people realize that every time you have given ground in the quest for peace, the ground you gave was then used as staging grounds to attack you.

Obama has no right to give you this ultimatum and, when it comes to the safety of your people, you have every right to ignore the insane demands of this ignorant pretender. Obama has shown himself to be one of the most warmongering Presidents in our history by starting multiple wars when we already had two wars ongoing. This madman has hidden behind the agenda of democracy for the Middle East while causing further destabilization that further threatens Israel.

I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I am beginning to question his motives. It almost seems as if he is seeking out the destruction of your nation. I hope this isn't the case, I would rather Obama just be an ignorant, inexperienced pretender, rather then the insane, warmongering dictator he is acting like.

Stay strong Prime Minister, don't give in.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Mitt Romney, AKA Obama 2.0

Ahhh, Mitt Romney. Don't you realize nobody wants you as president? We already tried giving a socialist a chance, and look at what Obama has done. We have record deficits, we are now waging 4 wars (yes 4 - Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Yemen), we are about to be forced into the crappiest government heath care system ever devised (based off your Romney-care, might I add) and racial tensions are at the highest since the civil rights movement.

You aren't fooling anyone Mitt. You promise to undo Obama-care, cut spending and promote and strong fiscal policy, yet look at what you did to Massachusetts. The American people aren't idiots. We know you will continue the work of Obama. You will indeed repeal Obama-care but, you will repeal and replace.... with your own version that will be the same thing, just worded differently. Thanks but no thanks.

We need a strong conservative to come forward to lead the nation, not another socialist that will run us further into the ground. We need a leader who isn't going to start 2 illegal wars (yes I know Obama still has the 60 days after the start to go before congress for the war in Yemen, but that time has long passed for Libya) because he/she decides it is best to bypass congress. We need a leader who will get serious about cutting the budget and deficit, not taking the money from one program, giving it to another (just because you shift money around doesn't mean you actually cut spending) then raising taxes to supplement the program you cut.

We need a leader who cares about the real injustices that occur to the citizens they represent, not pandering to criminals who don't respect our laws by coming to this country through illegal means. We need a leader who will stop trying to feed the world and focus on feeding the people of this great nation that are starving. We need a leader who realizes when we drop off aid to third world nations, that aid instead goes to the people that are preventing those nations to prosper and be able to take care of themselves.

We need a leader who realizes most of the rest of the world hates us and will never support us, no matter how much money we give them. We need a leader who will be willing to pull the money from those who don't support us and tell them to get over it. We need a leader who will stand by our allies like Israel instead of turning our backs and telling them to go back to the 1967 borders.

We need a leader Mr Romney, not a liberal slave who will swing which ever way the money blows. We need a leader who will make the hard choices that more then likely will hurt for a short period of time but will pay off in the end, bringing prosperity to all. We need a leader knows the value of the dollar and is willing to do what is necessary to make it stronger.

We don't need pretenders in the White House Mitt, we already have Obama.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Obama, Republican President!

Once again, I want to apologize for the long delay in my posts. I just haven't had the time to keep up with my blog due to work.

Today, I am going to present a mock news article ( I am not a journalist so forgive me if it isn't in a news format, I tried) presenting how I think the mainstream media would take about Obama if he were a republican. This is inspired from an article I read called "6 Things The Mainstream Media Would Say About Obama If He Were A Republican" by: John Hawkins. I think that there was more that should have been presented in this article but just wasn't said.



Once again President Obama has shown the American people how incompetent he really is as the unemployment numbers took a jump this week. The Obama Administration, even Obama himself promised in the days leading up to this gross showing of idiocy, that there was no way unemployment could go up, the only way the numbers could go is down. Once the numbers came out, Obama and his administration refused to admit that unemployment had even gone up. The administration is acting as if the numbers went down instead of up, upsetting the Americans everywhere. His refusal to acknowledge the current unemployment numbers as evidence that his fiscal policy is a failure has Americans everywhere wondering why they elected such a moron.

This is just the latest of the absurdities that this president has subjected the country to since he has began his reign. Time and time again this president has shown himself to be nothing more then a petty dictator trying to pass himself off as mature leader who desires prosperity for America, not the destruction that all his actions seem to lead to. Who can forget after the election, how Obama stood up to his Democrat opponent, John McCain, and told him "The election is over John." This was the first showing of Obamas iron fist rule that was to come. He was later quoted as saying "Elections have consequences" implying that it was time to pay the piper because there was a new ruler in town.

He later tightened his dictatorial hand around the throat of the American people by passing a massive health care law that, once fully implemented guaranties the economy falls under the massive weight of this bill. That set insurance prices skyrocketing putting further strain on an already strained system that was in recovery thanks to the hard work of the Democrat President Bush. President Bush brought this country back from the brink of destruction after the destructive reign of Republican Bill Clinton, only to be followed by yet another Republican, Barack Obama, guaranteeing that the country slips back into the hole it was coming out of.

Later his ignorance came to light again as, due to Baracks negligence, we had the Gulf oil spill. Obama could have stopped it had he just cared, but did he? No. Then he waited days before responding and attempting to get it stopped. His pride was on full display as he turned down help from all our international allies who were offering all the resources that were needed to get this spill cleaned quickly. Then he dared to say that his justice department was going to be pursuing lawsuits against BP for an accident that he could have stopped had he just not turned a blind eye.

In the mean time, this Warmongering president has continued the wars that President Bush started out of necessity. Obama has made these wars all about oil as a way of furthering his power and the power of his corporate cronies in the oil companies. Recently he decided that those wars weren't enough, he needed even more, so under the guise of a humanitarian action he attracted Lybia. This has shown the world that America may soon become a threat. With such a warlord in charge America could attack anyone at any moment, including its own allies such as Israel.

How were we duped into electing this idiot? That's easy, he played himself off as being a black man, tricking white Americans into voting for him due to guilt over slavery. Black Americans on the other hand voted for him blindly based on the fact that they could finally have a black man as president to represent them. Little did these two groups know, Obama was laughing at them for his deception. This Uncle Tom showed his true colors once elected as an bigoted white man disguised as a black man when he promised money to the downtrodden in Detroit, then after making them stand in long lines, gave then nothing, breaking the spirit of those hard working Americans. Now that the 2012 elections are on the horizon Obama has once again put on the facade of a black man only this time he is trying to incorporate Irish into it as well.

The American people will not be fooled this time. Obama made the mistake of showing his true colors in his first term and no Americans will fall for it again. This buffoon will forever go down in the pages of history as the worst president in the history of the United States of America, worse then ten Jimmy Carters. We don't know who will be the next president, but it can't get any worse unless Obama somehow manages to pull out another win.


To anyone that this mock article makes upset, grow a thicker skin. I just did this to show the amazing double standard in the Mainstream Media. I didn't even address if Obama were a woman as well. If Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann decide to run, I may do a revised article to reflect this.

Remember, as we get closer to the elections don't pay attention to the Mainstream, they will twist the stories to further their agenda. Always do your own research and formulate your own decisions, then vote for the candidate that you believe represents your views, not your race or background. Hold that person to the standards they claim to represent, hold them responsible for their actions. Don't be a sheep.