Prime Minister Netanyahu,
I know you will probably never read this but, I'm going to have my say. Don't cave into Obama's ultimatum about the borders of Israel. He must have no clue what he is saying otherwise he would know how stupid and dangerous this demand is. His demands puts your nation in such danger from the enemies that surround you that it could ignite a full blown world war if Israel has an all out attack launched at it. Your enemies have proven time and time again that they will exploit any little opening and weakness that they can find in your defences. This ultimatum issued Barack Obama opens Israel for attacks on multiple fronts to where you will not be able to defend yourselves adequately.
I also want you and all of Israel to know that America is still behind you. We support you even if our President does not. The American people will not abandon Israel. Soon, Obama will be gone and hopefully we will elect someone who will openly show support for you and not the many terrorist states that surround you. The American people realize that every time you have given ground in the quest for peace, the ground you gave was then used as staging grounds to attack you.
Obama has no right to give you this ultimatum and, when it comes to the safety of your people, you have every right to ignore the insane demands of this ignorant pretender. Obama has shown himself to be one of the most warmongering Presidents in our history by starting multiple wars when we already had two wars ongoing. This madman has hidden behind the agenda of democracy for the Middle East while causing further destabilization that further threatens Israel.
I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I am beginning to question his motives. It almost seems as if he is seeking out the destruction of your nation. I hope this isn't the case, I would rather Obama just be an ignorant, inexperienced pretender, rather then the insane, warmongering dictator he is acting like.
Stay strong Prime Minister, don't give in.
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