Recently Lindsay Lohan tweeted this "“Have you guys seen food and gas prices lately? U.S. $ will soon be worthless if the Fed keeps printing money!” Is this a sign that even Lindsay Lohan understands economics better then our own president? Does she have a better grasp of the irreparable damage that Obama himself is leading us to while claiming that he is fixing the problems? The answer.... sort of.
True, Miss Lohan did tweet a statement about the state of the US dollar and true, it made a lot more sense then anything that Obama (who is seemingly detached from the reality of the state that our economy is in) has said so far. Unfortunately, (much to my disappointment because I would have had more fun with this post) those words were not her own. Miss Lohan was paid by the National Inflation Association to tweet those words. When criticized about the tweet by her fans though, she replied “I actually do care about gas and food prices, so whether it’s an [advertisement] or [not], it’s important for people to be aware of it.” showing that even though the words were not her own, she at least aware that people should be informed about what is going on.
If Lindsay Lohan can sober up enough to realize there is a problem with the Obama administrations solution to the falling dollar, why can't Obama (who hopefully is sober, though sometimes I wonder) see that his policies are broken and breaking things further. I often wonder how Obama and his worshipers can look at the way things have gone downhill at an alarmingly fast rate since he started implementing his policies and think that things are on an upswing. It is plain for me (and most of the other people I have talked to) to see that his policies are destroying the dollar, why can't he see it? I honestly think Obama knows exactly what he is doing.
Originally I wasn't sure if Obama realized that his policies were destructive. I thought "Maybe Obama honestly thinks that his proposals will drive the country forward and upward even though historically socialism has failed every time they have been tried. Maybe he thinks that the American Machine will be the one thing that will change the fact that socialism fails." Now, I'm not so sure this is the case.
Ignorance of historical fact is one thing, staying the course and claiming things are getting better when at best they have plateaued is a different matter. Obama refuses to admit that there is a problem with any of his policies, in fact he goes out to address the people of this nation and lies straight to their faces. At this point, in my opinion, there is no way he can be ignorant of the facts. He is knowingly lieing to everyone about the state of the dollar, the unemployment numbers, the costs of Obamacare, as well as the policies the Republicans have introduced in an attempt to fix Obamas screw up.
The Republicans have even had to sit down with him and call him out on the lies he has told about the policies they were trying to pass to prevent the hole he is putting us in. Despite the Republicans correcting him (in case he was speaking out of ignorance) on the lies he was telling, Obama goes right back out and continues telling the same lies. This says to me Obama is willingly distorting facts in order to sabotage the plans that the Republican propose. I think he is doing this because he feels he has to prove his way is right and anyone else being right is a threat to his picture perfect world.
Obama feels he has to be right, therefor (in my opinion) he lies about things in a vain attempt to convince himself that he is right. If he keeps up his mantra long enough, I think that he thinks it will eventually become truth. Any sane person knows that just isn't the way the world works but that seems to be the way Obama thinks it works.
You can't print trillions of dollars to cover your costs and expect the value of said dollars to remain the same, just like you can't claim that you have positive unemployment numbers (it amazes me whenever Obama brags about how many jobs he has "saved or created" when unemployment is still creeping up and that's not even counting the people who have just given up) when you are still in the negative. Oh, and for the record, government jobs shouldn't be included in that because they are more of a drain (not saying government jobs are bad for the record) on the governments resources then they bring in.
Miss Lohan may not have tweeted her own words yet she at least seem to have a grasp on the fact that there is a problem even if she is just hitting on a small part of it. Maybe Obama needs to take a tip from Lindsay Lohan and acknowledge that there is a problem. Once he does that he can start working towards solving the problem, not making it worse.
Lohan for President? It would spice up the Oval office.