Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"I Wish That They Would Just DIE!!!"

I have seen a disturbing trend in liberal people recently, it has to do with the way they treat conservative female politicians. Mainly I'm referring to Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. I don't know where this express hatred for those women comes from but I have heard numerous liberals calling them offensive names (I would list all of them but some of the less offensive ones are names such as bitch, whore and slut. You can use your imagination for the more offensive names) and saying that they wish they would die.

You would think it would only be men talking like this, but the fact of the matter is, it seems to be more women then men saying these offensive things. Furthermore, the women who are saying these things are the ones that belong to women's and feminist groups. You would think that, if anybody were going to stand up against the name calling it would be the people in these groups, yet they seem to encourage it. Why?

I don't hear any conservative groups talking about any women, conservative or liberal like that. Is it possible that these liberals (and by liberals I am referring to all, politicians and everyday people), despite all their talk about civility and toning things down can't take their own advice? That is what it seems like to me. I, personally, have never heard a true conservative (and just so you know I am not talking about politicians as well as the working people who are true conservatives) say any of this hate filled deconstructive rhetoric.

If I, or any other conservative out there were to call Nancy Pelosi a “stupid little whore” that needs to “shut the hell up and die for the good of the country” we would be vilified and told that we are the reason for all the decision in America. Likewise, (going to touch a little on racism now mainly because I have heard these things said about Herman Cain, even though it is slightly off topic) if I, or any other conservative, were to call Maxine Waters an “Uncle Tom” along with the “stupid little whore” and “shut the hell up and die for the good of the country” comments we would be accused of trying to incite lynching and branded a racist.

When are the liberals that are good people actually going to stand up against this kind of speech? Are they ok with it because it is being said about people that they disagree with? If so than they need to look at themselves and the ideals they claim to stand for. They will see how hypocritical they are being.

I, and a lot of the conservatives I know, disagree with Barack Obama (I know still off topic, but I feel he is a bit more of a predominate figure to use as an example). We don't want him to die. We just want to get him voted out. It is nothing personal against the man, we just think his policies are bad for the country and are bring us down, much like Bush did in the last 2 years he was in office. We aren't going to go around and call him “crack whore” just because he smoked crack at one point in his life (which he did, he admitted it proudly) and we disagree with him.

We aren't going to start calling Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, or any other female liberal any of the names that we hear them calling conservative women. Why? Because, despite the fact that we disagree with them, we still respect them as human beings. Despite all they say that we feel is one hundred percent off target, we still respect their right to have an opinion. Doesn't mean they are right, doesn't mean we are right, but at least we admit they have the right to formulate their own opinion regardless of whether or not we agree with it.

Just because Michelle Bachmann thinks that an unborn child has the right to live or believes that homosexuals make a choice to be gay due to traumatic experiences in their life, doesn't mean you have to agree with her. But to wish her dead because she believes those things? That is ridiculous.

As for Sarah Palin, she isn't even running for office, why are you libs so threatened by her? Is it because she challenges your world view? You constantly bash the woman left and right trying to make her shut up, but all you are doing is making more people take note of her message.

And as for all you women's and feminist groups out there that stand idly by watching these women get attacked and threatened, shame on you! As for the ones participating in the attacks, maybe you should go back and look at what you claim to stand for. You both allow people to denigrate women everywhere by letting these words go unchallenged. You are saying to all women that they are only allowed to have an opinion that fits your world view (which interestingly enough was formed by men) and if they dare to think anything otherwise then they are less then. You shouldn't be punishing women to think for themselves, you should be encouraging it and lifting women up that think outside the box that has been placed for them to think in.

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