The “Occupy” people ( I say Occupy people instead of Occupy Wall Street people because it is no longer restricted to Wall Street) claim they are the 99%, that capitalism doesn't work for them, it only works for the top 1%. That is one of their claims. They are gravely misled, capitalism works for anyone in America who has the gumption and drive to succeed. For capitalism to work you have to be willing to get off your ass and take a risk that in the end turns into a profit (financial, emotional, or both) for you.
The problem with the Occupy people seems to be that they want others to do for them instead of doing for themselves. This alone makes them less then 99% it makes them more like the bottom 50% (you know, the ones that look to the government to provide for them instead of trying to earn a living) who want to drag other down to their level. They have no respect for hard working Americans who are trying to make a living in this tough economy, instead they try to rile them up into a frenzy by asking questions like “Are you ok with the fact that you probably paid more in taxes last year than corporations, yes or no?” Lets analyze this question for a second.
First, this question is a misleading question, it interjects the assumption that first, most people are paying more in taxes then the “Evil Corporations” This is not true. The question is meant to play on the emotions of the individual asked in order to make them have a negative view of corporations. After all, ARE YOU OK with this horrible situation? Don't you think you should be angry about it? The situation is not being thrust upon you, this question just assumes that you are a faceless victim and then it thrusts this perceived situation upon you, never giving you a chance to counter the claim. It is designed make the person who was asked assume that these evil corporations have been weaseling their way out of paying taxes, leaving the rest of us (Americans) to pick up the burden. The fact of the matter is most Americans (51%) pay no taxes at all with the exception of sales tax, and even then there are some that avoid that as well. The average working American actually falls into the 35% that only pay 25% of this nations taxes. The top 1% that the Occupy people are attacking pay 45% of the taxes, almost half of US tax revenue. The remaining 13% pay the remaining 30%.
Secondly, the question is ended in such a way to make it a yes or no question. This is not a yes or no question because everyone's financial situation differs and I can promise you, the Occupy people more then likely pay a lot less in taxes then corporations. The question is designed to guide the person asked into thinking about it on simplistic yes or no terms, throwing logic and reason out the window, thus making the person asked more malleable to the Occupy logic or lack there of. Once they have the hook set they can start feeding more misinformation to the individual asked in order to recruit them to the cause.
In asking idiotically misleading questions like this, the Occupy people look to bring emotionally charged people (useful idiots if you will) into their fold where they can keep feeding them lies in order to make them angrier. This will eventually lead to a mob mentality. When you think about it, that will be ideal for the Occupy people, because ultimately every mob needs someone to direct them in order to make them as effective for the Occupy movement.
These people think that they are the core of the Occupy movement, but they don't realize that they are carefully getting worked into a mob, instead it is the people who are masterfully directing these useful idiots that are the real core. These Occupy protesters don't even realize that the masterminds behind this movement are actually some of the people that fall into the 1% (like George Soros) that they claim to hate. Fact of the matter is, if the masterminds behind this movement succeed in what they are trying to bring about, it will drive the people they are using (the protesters) into the ground, giving them a platform to snatch up the power that they think should be theirs.
If you are one of the people who finds themselves getting sucked into the Occupy Movement, be careful. If it continues at the rate that it is growing we will start to see rioting start soon from these Occupy groups. Get out before it comes to this, once we hit the stage where rioting starts it will be too late to get out. The Occupy Movement is getting close to that point, they are already displaying images of bankers and CEOs being hung as well as displaying the likeness of CEOs heads on pikes. It is only a matter of time before these people turn to full blown violence. Get out while you can, please!
I'm going to build upon these and other thoughts in future posts so sorry if this one seemed rushed, I just don't have time to put all my thoughts down for you. I will leave you with one last thought to consider, Remember, they are calling for REVOLUTION not reform, that alone should be call for alarm.