Alabama's new illegal immigration law came under a lot of fire before it was implemented, as many lies and distortions were told about the law by liberal groups and media in order to make the Hispanic populace scared. Once the law finally got implemented the earth shattering consequences that were predicted simply did not occur, but the cries of indignation remain, fueled by half truths and lies told about the aftermath if the implementation of the law. I hope to clear some of these things up for you.
First I want to address the people who claim that this law is a racist blow to discriminate against the Hispanic population of Alabama. This is a distortion of the law. The law never singles out Hispanics, in fact it worded to prevent officers from discriminating against anyone based off of their race. How can the law be racist if it designed to protect against racism? On top of that, why do the people who state this automatically assume it is targeting Hispanics? Do they believe all Hispanics are illegal? Going with that line of thinking, do they think all non-Hispanics are legal? Don't they realize that people how are not of Hispanic decent can be here illegally too? After all, there are more countries out there besides America and Mexico. Case in point, the first person to get detained because of this law wasn't Hispanic, he was from Yemen.
That brings me to my second point. The story that the liberal news media is trying to spin on the illegal immigration law in order to make it look like an utter failure actually assures that the law is working as intended. The previously mentioned story is about three men from Yemen who were arrested on drug related charges. One of them had a drivers license, he was released after making bail, the second had a work visa, he was released after making bail, the third had no form of identification and could not state his drivers license number or social security number, he was detained until his lawyer could prove he was here legally. The liberal news media wants you to think that the police just picked this poor man (the third one) up because he looked like he wasn't a citizen. No they picked him up because he was messing with illegal substances and then was detained because he could not prove he was here legally. He was NOT Hispanic, nor, if you see any pictures of him, does he look Hispanic, that throws the theory that it is a racist law that targets Hispanics out the window.
The law is designed to protect Alabama citizens from criminals, plain and simple. I, for one, have no problem with criminals having it a little tougher. As for those of you who think that illegal aliens (or as the Obama regime wants to call them, undocumented workers) are not criminals, put the crack pipe down and listen up. Illegal aliens come to the USA through ILLEGAL means, meaning, THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW. I know some of you bleeding hearts out there take offense to that, but it is true. “Well, they're just coming here because they want to work to provide for their families in Mexico,” is what some of you are saying right now. Yes, that is the reason some of them come over here, but you know what? That doesn't make it any less illegal, they are still breaking the law. The USA has plenty of guest worker programs that the Mexican citizens can take advantage of in order to come here LEGALLY and work. As for you who are asking “Well, what about the ones here seeking asylum? Hmm? What about them?” Once again, there are legal ways for people seeking asylum, to come here for protection that don't involve breaking the law.
Now to my third point, and this is the one I find myself getting the angriest about. Alabama farmers have stated that this law has dried up the workforce that they relied on for harvesting their crops. They claim that they can't get any non illegals to come work for them, stating that Alabamians refuse to do that kind of physical labor. I don't know about you, but if I was hurting for work (and Alabamians are at the moment with ten percent unemployment) I believe I would jump at the chance to earn some money. If Alabamians are truly refusing to do this kind of work to earn an honest days wage, then that right there says something about the unemployment system not doing it's job right, (but that is a discussion for another time) and we really need to reform it so people stop wanting to settle for unemployment. In fact, some of the local radio stations that have been interviewing these farmers have offered to let them advertise, free of charge, that they need work and where the people who want it need to go and who they need to call. The farmers every time have refused to give out that information so that Alabamians who want to work have no way to contact them for work. Am I the only one that sees the problem there? That, though, isn't that part that makes me mad.
What makes me mad about the claims of these farmers is some of the thing they are saying when talking about how this law has screwed them. I'm not saying all of them have said this but a fair number of times I have heard this said (yes this is a quote), “Them brown skinned folks is the only ones that will come out here and do this kinda work. Colored folks and white folks won't stoop to doing this kinda back breaking work. After all, them brown skinned folks is built for it, they are made to work out in the heat and the sun.” Not all the farmers have said exactly that (but the nature of what is said is the same) but that it the latest I have heard with my own ears, which is why I quoted it. Am I the only one this kind of speech ticks off? How dare they refer to these people like they are live stock! Both Illegal and legal Hispanics are not live stock! This kind of speech churns my stomach, it is disgusting, reprehensible, hateful, and extremely offensive. The last time speech like this was said about a people based off their skin color was back when plantation owners were told they could no longer use slave labor. Is that what we have come to think of these people who come here looking for work as? Slave labor? NO, if they come here illegally they may be criminals, but they are NOT slaves!
The plantation owners had to change their business model when they could no longer use slave labor, the ones that didn't throw up their hands in defeat survived and were able to continue earning a profit thru legal means. The farmers here in Alabama need to do the same, adjust their business models and they will see their business survive. Those who refuse to change will see their business crumble and fall, that is the simple truth to it. They can succeed by hiring legal citizens who want and need the work, they just have to try.
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