I will be back to the blogging about politics soon, but I really feel the need to keep my focus on this book for the moment. Lord knows I am missing out on a LOT of material that the lefties are giving me to talk about that, but with the novel I just haven’t had time to do all the research I need to do in order to make sure that you, my faithful readers, are well informed.
If any of you readers out there are curious about the book, I am going to post some information about it on my other blog “Musings of a Mad Poet”. This is a blog I initially started as a place to challenge myself with poetry exercises but that has initially gone by the wayside because I got to the point that I didn’t want to post any more poetry. For a while I have been wondering what to do with that blog but now I think I have a use for it again. I plan on keeping people who are interested in my book up to date on it through that blog. I will still use it for its original purpose from time to time, but mostly it will be dedicated to my nonpolitical writings. I may even change its name to something catchy like “Excessively Boring Drivel That Will Make Your Eyes Bleed” though I doubt it.
Anyways, back to the point… I am still here, nothing has happened to me, just been busy. Maybe as my writing improves I will be able to reach a point to where I can handle both me political and nonpolitical writings simultaneously. Check back at least once a week here, I am going to try to have some new stuff up by mid-January at the latest, though I hope to have it much earlier.
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