I do want to finish Obama’s State of the Union speech, but somehow I think that that isn’t going to happen. The reason for this is because of several different things. The first reason being that I didn’t realize how little of the speech I would be able to address per post. I have done six posts already and only just hit the half way mark on the speech, so in light of that let me sum the whole thing up in a nice and neat little package. Obama’s SotU speech is basically an unrealistic wish list of what he wants to accomplish no matter how badly it exceeds his authority or goes against the Constitution. In fact Obama goes so far as to say in it that he feels the problem with the Government as it is… is that there is too much Government. Normally, I would agree, but the way that he means it is that he feels that 3 branches of government are too much, therefor in his SotU speech he actually asks Congress to turn over their over to the Executive branch , in other words, him. The one paragraph alone where he says this provides me with enough material for an entire blog post, but, I won’t go into that because that is not the point of this post.
The fact that it took me six posts to get halfway through his speech is pathetic, not on my part, but on his. He thinks that we the people are a bunch of ignorant fools who hang on his every word. His blowhard attitude comes across in his long winded, lie filled, explanation to why he wants to be America’s first dictator.
Looking back, the way I should have covered his SotU speech was by taking highlights and going over them, but the more I read of it the more I became convinced I needed to go through it word for word. That was my mistake. I apologize to those who were reading it and were looking forward to me finishing it.
The second reason is that there are other things in the news I want to talk about and cover. As long as I was focusing on Obama’s SotU speech then I was taking my attention away from more current events that I feel are more important than Obama’s narcissistic babbling on about nothing relevant to the real world.
The third reason is that I have started on my second novel. For those of you that have been following me for a while know that last year I took some time off from posting to write “Shadows of the Western Moon” and for those of you that follow my other blog where I talk about my non-political writings, you will be happy to know that “Tears of the Western Moon” is now in the works. Once I finish this one I will probably start promoting these books in an effort to sell them to a publisher.
Also, since I am focusing on my second novel now, my postings will become fewer and further between until the novel is finished. I will still post here on Political Discourse, I will just be a bit more selective about what I post because I don’t want to waste your time or my time. Because of that, I am mainly going to try to hit on subjects that deal with the current Presidential and congressional elections, unless Obama does something stupid, which he more than likely will, in which case I will cover that as well.
Anyway, thank you for your time and patience.
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