Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Occupy Wall Street Zombies Drink Kool-Aid, Not Tea!

I am so sick of people comparing the “Occupy Wall Street” movement to the Tea Party. This is a complete misrepresentation. The two movements have nothing really in common. The Tea Party stands for upholding the principles that this nation was built upon, once again relying on the Constitution to lead us as it is written, not the twisted interpretations that politicians have come up with to promote their own agendas. The Occupy Wall Street movement is all about destroying the current system in order to create an environment of chaos, in which they can rebuild the financial structure to a socialist utopia model that has been tried in Europe multiple times, failing every time, driving those nations into chaos in the process.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is a destructive force that is building on the left, much like the Tea Party was a constructive force building on the right. The Occupy Wall Street movement is attempting to place themselves into the same position as the Tea Party except they are going about it in a completely different fashion. The are using lies and deceit to try to affect the emotions of the ignorant to cause them to rise up against against the financial systems of the US. They are backed by groups that have been known to have malicious intent against the US government including Anonymous.

If you need proof of this I present a transcript of the promise of attack posted today by Anonymous ….

“Greetings, Institutions of the Media.

We are Anonymous. The events transpiring within Wall Street have caught our eye.
It seems that the government and Federal agencies enjoy enforcing the law a little bit too much. They instate unjust laws as mindless automatons, blindly following orders with soulless precision.

We witness the Government enforcing the laws that punish the 99% while allowing the 1% to escape justice, unharmed, for their crimes against the people. We have observed this same Government failing to enforce even the minimal legal restraints of Wall Street’s abuses. This Government who has willingly ignored the greed at Wall Street has even bailed out the perpetrators that have caused our crisis.

We will not stand by and watch the system take over our way of life.
We the people shall stand against the government’s inaction.
We the people will not be witnesses to your corruption and ill gotten profits.
We will not labor for your leisure.
We will not assist you in any way.

This is why we choose to declare our war against the New York Stock Exchange. We can no longer stay silent as the population is being exploited and forced to make sacrifices in the name of profit.
We will show the world that we are true to our word. On October 10th, NYSE shall be erased from the Internet. On October 10th, expect a day that will never, ever, be forgotten.

Vox Populi, Vox Anon.
The Voice of The People is The Voice of Anonymous.
We are Legion. We are the 99%.
We do not forgive. We do not forget.
Wall Street: Expect us”

Anonymous has once again proven their dedication to anarchy thru terrorism in order to harm innocents who are hard working individuals trying to make a living the best they can. They claim, like the Occupy Wall Street movement, that this is the will of the people and for the good of the people. How is terrorism and chaos good for the people? All that does is creates an atmosphere where might will make right, in this case might being money. Don't these idiots realize that the people with the money are the ones they are claiming are the problem? By taking the steps that Anonymous and the Occupy Wall Street movement are taking, they are setting it up to put the people (George Soros for example) they claim to hate into stronger positions of power. In fact I personally believe that the people that will benefit (see the prior sentence) are the ones behind stirring the pot of ignorance that has led to this.

The Tea Party on the other hand has taken steps to educate anyone that is willing to learn about the principals that this nation was built upon. Thru doing that they hope to raise awareness of the corruption and abuse of power in Washington. They believe that thru proper and truthful knowledge the people will gain the knowledge to elect people into office that will enact change that is sorely needed to bring back honor and integrity to our government. It also encourages non-politicians to get involved in politics in order to bring about the changes that our government sorely needs. It also encourages dissenting views in order to encourage intelligent debate on the issues in order to guide our nation to the prosperity that we once had.

The Occupy Wall Street movement, hand in hand with Anonymous, is attempting to remake America through promotion of ignorance and terrorism, whereas the Tea Party is attempting to steer America back to it foundations and principles through promotion of knowledge and education. There are hard times coming. Which side will you stand with?

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