Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Anonymous, Fighters for Freedom? Nay, Fighters for Fear

I have to thank the liberals that use the comments section of news stories on Fox News web site for inspiring this post.  After an hour of trying to explain the simple concept of what qualifies as terrorism, I had to wash my hands of the willfully ignorant people (Yes I am talking about you "thinkanonymous") that populate those dredges.

The story was about the hacker group "Anonymous" and their recent attack against the city of Orlando, Florida by taking down their tourism website with the promise of more to come if their demands are not met.  What are their demands you ask?  They want the leader of the group "Food not Bombs" released from jail after he broke the law by passing out food to the homeless in one of the city's many parks without a permit.  I know, it sounds like the city just arrested a person for having some compassion on those less fortunate, but lets get some facts out in the open. 

1.  The group "Food not Bombs" was purposely feeding people in the park in defiance of the law stating that a permit was required.  These people knew that they were breaking the law and are lucky only their leader was arrested.  If you knowingly break the law then you have to expect to have to pay the consequences.

2.  The city had it's reasons for putting this law into place.  They wanted to discourage the homeless from harassing the citizens and tourists of Orlando.  This would also help cut down on crimes against the homeless that took place in these places.  Also, it protects the people who get a license from lawsuit if they feed a homeless person who then chokes on the food or has an allergic reaction to the food.

3.  The city isn't preventing people from feeding the homeless.  If anyone wants to set up a soup kitchen for the homeless of Orlando in any of the parks, then all the have to do is obtain a permit for it.  There are plenty of organizations and people out there that wish to help those in need and this gives those people and organizations a safe and legal way to do so.

Now on to my point...

Anonymous, by attacking Orlando's websites, have committed criminal actions in an attempt to create fear of retaliation if the city doesn't meet their demands.  This by definition, is an act of terrorism, plain and simple.  It doesn't matter about the method of attack, cyber or otherwise.  Below is the definition of terrorism courtesy of

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

If Anonymous's actions don't fall under that definition then I don't know what does.  Anonymous over the last few years has attacked multiple businesses and even government organizations to try to intimidate the victims into bending to their will.  This is just the latest in a long line of crimes these terrorists have committed. 

Also, to respond to some of the stuff "thinkanonymous" said arguing (his/her only defence was that what Anonymous did isn't deserving of death despite I kept trying to point out that not all terrorism crimes are sentencable by death) with me after I gave him/her the hand to talk to, he/she tried to make the case that Anonymous isn't terrorist...

"you think that taking down a site is worthy of execution. it's is not, by definition, terrorism."-thinkanonymous

Actually, yes it is, it falls under the definition of terrorism. It is all in the intent behind the action. Look back up to the definition above.  Got it?  Good. Moving on.  You (thinkanonymous) kept insisting that I was calling for the members of Anonymous to be put to death, but if your tiny little smooth liberal brain would have read, I kept stating "Not all crimes that are acts of terrorism are punishable by death.  Committing crimes in order to make people comply to demands out of fear of the ramifications of the consequences, is by definition, terrorism."  Not that hard to understand, is it? 

Anonymous is a without a doubt, a terrorist organization and it's members that are involved in these various attacks over the years should be tracked down and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for the crimes they have committed. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the statement you made that if you knowingly break the law then you have to face the consequences.
    The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto.
    Obama continues to knowingly break this law and should also face the consequences.
    Once again---Another great post! Keep up he good work.
