Monday, June 6, 2011

Obama, Republican President!

Once again, I want to apologize for the long delay in my posts. I just haven't had the time to keep up with my blog due to work.

Today, I am going to present a mock news article ( I am not a journalist so forgive me if it isn't in a news format, I tried) presenting how I think the mainstream media would take about Obama if he were a republican. This is inspired from an article I read called "6 Things The Mainstream Media Would Say About Obama If He Were A Republican" by: John Hawkins. I think that there was more that should have been presented in this article but just wasn't said.



Once again President Obama has shown the American people how incompetent he really is as the unemployment numbers took a jump this week. The Obama Administration, even Obama himself promised in the days leading up to this gross showing of idiocy, that there was no way unemployment could go up, the only way the numbers could go is down. Once the numbers came out, Obama and his administration refused to admit that unemployment had even gone up. The administration is acting as if the numbers went down instead of up, upsetting the Americans everywhere. His refusal to acknowledge the current unemployment numbers as evidence that his fiscal policy is a failure has Americans everywhere wondering why they elected such a moron.

This is just the latest of the absurdities that this president has subjected the country to since he has began his reign. Time and time again this president has shown himself to be nothing more then a petty dictator trying to pass himself off as mature leader who desires prosperity for America, not the destruction that all his actions seem to lead to. Who can forget after the election, how Obama stood up to his Democrat opponent, John McCain, and told him "The election is over John." This was the first showing of Obamas iron fist rule that was to come. He was later quoted as saying "Elections have consequences" implying that it was time to pay the piper because there was a new ruler in town.

He later tightened his dictatorial hand around the throat of the American people by passing a massive health care law that, once fully implemented guaranties the economy falls under the massive weight of this bill. That set insurance prices skyrocketing putting further strain on an already strained system that was in recovery thanks to the hard work of the Democrat President Bush. President Bush brought this country back from the brink of destruction after the destructive reign of Republican Bill Clinton, only to be followed by yet another Republican, Barack Obama, guaranteeing that the country slips back into the hole it was coming out of.

Later his ignorance came to light again as, due to Baracks negligence, we had the Gulf oil spill. Obama could have stopped it had he just cared, but did he? No. Then he waited days before responding and attempting to get it stopped. His pride was on full display as he turned down help from all our international allies who were offering all the resources that were needed to get this spill cleaned quickly. Then he dared to say that his justice department was going to be pursuing lawsuits against BP for an accident that he could have stopped had he just not turned a blind eye.

In the mean time, this Warmongering president has continued the wars that President Bush started out of necessity. Obama has made these wars all about oil as a way of furthering his power and the power of his corporate cronies in the oil companies. Recently he decided that those wars weren't enough, he needed even more, so under the guise of a humanitarian action he attracted Lybia. This has shown the world that America may soon become a threat. With such a warlord in charge America could attack anyone at any moment, including its own allies such as Israel.

How were we duped into electing this idiot? That's easy, he played himself off as being a black man, tricking white Americans into voting for him due to guilt over slavery. Black Americans on the other hand voted for him blindly based on the fact that they could finally have a black man as president to represent them. Little did these two groups know, Obama was laughing at them for his deception. This Uncle Tom showed his true colors once elected as an bigoted white man disguised as a black man when he promised money to the downtrodden in Detroit, then after making them stand in long lines, gave then nothing, breaking the spirit of those hard working Americans. Now that the 2012 elections are on the horizon Obama has once again put on the facade of a black man only this time he is trying to incorporate Irish into it as well.

The American people will not be fooled this time. Obama made the mistake of showing his true colors in his first term and no Americans will fall for it again. This buffoon will forever go down in the pages of history as the worst president in the history of the United States of America, worse then ten Jimmy Carters. We don't know who will be the next president, but it can't get any worse unless Obama somehow manages to pull out another win.


To anyone that this mock article makes upset, grow a thicker skin. I just did this to show the amazing double standard in the Mainstream Media. I didn't even address if Obama were a woman as well. If Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann decide to run, I may do a revised article to reflect this.

Remember, as we get closer to the elections don't pay attention to the Mainstream, they will twist the stories to further their agenda. Always do your own research and formulate your own decisions, then vote for the candidate that you believe represents your views, not your race or background. Hold that person to the standards they claim to represent, hold them responsible for their actions. Don't be a sheep.

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