OK, today’s topic is the Keystone Pipeline. Why am I talking about the Keystone Pipeline? Because I feel that this is going to become a key issue in the Presidential election. For those of you who have been living under a rock or that just don’t keep up with the news, the Keystone Pipeline is supposed to be a massive pipeline that carries oil all the way from our neighbors in the north, Canada, to the grand state of Texas. The Canadians have a bunch of oil but no refineries to process said oil into viable fuels. They offered to let the USA have a portion of said oil (lessening out dependence on the Middle East for oil since our politicians are too scared of environmental terrorist (environmentalists are terrorist as defined by me because of their attempts to terrify people over the effects we have on the environment) to drill here in the USA any more) if they could use the refineries in Texas. One of the catches to this deal was that we would be responsible for constructing and maintaining our portion of the pipeline.
Naturally one of the biggest draws of this project would be the amount of jobs that would come from the massive amounts of construction to build this pipeline across the US. Then, not only do you have the construction jobs for building it, you also have the jobs that come with maintenance on the pipeline as well as the extra Jobs that would open in the refineries that are all along the Gulf Coast. The jobs at the refineries would help stimulate the economies all along the Gulf Coast which has been suffering since the Obama/BP oil spill by putting people back to work in those regions that were laid off because of the Obama administrations actions afterword. But, as it turns out, this wonderful pipeline that would have been a God send to our struggling economy will probably never happen. Why? Because Obama is afraid of losing his environmentalist voting base.
You see, three years ago when this project was first proposed Obama was for it. He had three years to make sure all of the environmental impact studies were done and completed. As well as making sure that all the plans for the pipeline were drawn up and complete as well as alternative plans in case something were to happen to prevent the initial plans from being used. Then when crunch time came around he froze. Why? Because of an issue that was raised about an aquifer that supplies water to five states was right in the center of where the pipeline was planned to go. Naturally that raised concerns for the people in those states about potentially having their water contaminated. The solution seemed easy, use one of the backup plans to reroute the pipeline to bypass the aquifer, but, as I said before, Obama froze. He sat around for days trying to decide on what to do (I suspect that his teleprompters were on the fritz) because the environmentalists were raising hell about the apocalyptic ramifications for building this pipeline. Eventually he announced that he had made a decision… to not make a decision, at least not until after the 2012 election.
This is playing politics at the expense of everyone in the entire USA. There is no way to deny that.
Since Obama refused to act the Republicans in the House decided to force him to make a decision on the issue. They include a provision in the “Obama Tax Cut Extension Bill” (You can find my earlier post on that if you look) that required him to make a decision on the pipeline in order for his “Tax Cut” to be extended. They were generous and gave him till March to make a decision to either state building the pipeline within 6 months of his decision or to not build it. Obama chose not to build it, going against not only the Republicans, but even his own union base that were hopeful for the jobs and the money that came with them.
Now he is trying to blame HIS decision on the House Republicans for forcing his hand. Fact of the matter is no one can make you do anything. Obama chose this all on his own. Because of Obama decisions, Canada isn’t going to wait around for us to get with the program. They are going to sell their oil to the Chinese and Russians instead because they can’t afford to not do anything with it.
As I said before, this is playing politics at the expense of everyone in the entire USA. There is no way to deny that.
Obama keeps talking about how much he has helped and improved our economy since Bush messed it up. The simple fact is, if you look at the major factors that screwed our economy, you will find Obama’s name on most of them. Obama took the mistakes that Bush started and made them worse with his policies. Now, a recession that should have been relatively easy for us to climb out of is still slowly dragging us down, despite how much Obama wants us the think otherwise. It is kind of like the games he is playing with the unemployment numbers. He keeps claiming unemployment is going down and, according to the numbers he presents, it is. But the numbers he is flashing everywhere are extremely falsified. To get the true unemployment numbers you have to count not only the people currently getting unemployment, but also the people who can’t get it anymore because they either have given up on finding a job or have been on it for so long that they no longer qualify for it. The real unemployment numbers are closer to 18% instead of the 8.4% Obama is bragging about.
On top of preventing thousands of new jobs that will come with the pipeline, Obama has also added to the unemployment numbers by firing thousands of soldiers in the military with his plan to cut defense spending. In fact here is something interesting for you to go and research… Go and look up all the things that led to 9-11 happening. Look at all of the things that Clinton did that allowed 9-11 to happen. Everything that Clinton did, Obama is now trying to do. Why? Well that is material for another post, but it is something that you might find interesting. Now that I have successfully gotten off topic why don’t I try to get back on.
The whole point that I am trying to make with the Keystone Pipeline is that just like everything that Obama has done since he has taken office, his decision on it is harmful to our economy and our job market. The pipeline is just one in LONG list of screw ups that have harmed our nation as a whole and unlike the Bush screw ups, Obama’s screw ups are intentional. He is cold and calculating in what he is doing in an attempt to get us to give up and turn to someone to save us. He thinks that if he can get us to that point then he can swoop in and rescue us from ourselves by becoming Supreme Leader (sound familiar?) who knows all. I believe that this is Obama’s plan. Of course he initially thought that we would be at that point by the end of his first term, but he didn’t count on the intelligence of the American people as a whole. We need to stand against him in the ballot box and let our voices be heard, not only in the Presidential election, but the Congressional, Senate, State and local elections as well. We need to get rid of anyone who has supported Obama and his politics of destruction, then and only then will we begin to heal as a nation while becoming strong once again on the World Stage.
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