You know what really disturbs me about this election year? Well, several things do, but I will try to approach them one at a time. As I have mentioned on my previous post, I feel that we the American people, are getting shafted no matter who wins the Presidential election this year. On one hand we have a President who is trying to become a Dictator and on the other hand we have 5 fools who are ripping each other to shreds in order to become top dog so that they can then take on said Dictator President.
Why am I calling Obama a Dictator? Well, simple fact is that he has placed himself in a dictorial role in the last year and wants to strengthen that roll to give himself absolute power that he thinks he naturally should have as President. But how do I know that is what he thinks or wants? Honestly, I don’t, but given his past actions and some of the things that he has said recently, I challenge you to say I am wrong with a straight face. Listen to some of the things Obama has said in some of the speeches he has given recently. No really, go listen to them right now, I’ll wait. You back? Good. Now tell me with a serious face that Obama doesn’t want to be a Dictator went he said that it was his duty to bypass Congress when Congress failed to act as he wanted them to act. I believe, and I may be a little off on this, but I believe his exact words were “If Congress fails to act as they need to, then it is my duty as President of the United States to use my authority to dictate through executive order what needs to be done.” Like I said, I may be remembering that wrong, but I do know for a fact that if I am not remembering the exact wording correctly, then at least the exact nature of what he said is there.
As disturbing as it is that we have a President that has gone power mad and breaking the law constantly, that is not the most disturbing thing, nor is the fact that no one in Congress will step up and file a motion for impeachment against this despicable excuse for a President. No, the most disturbing thing about this whole thing in regards to Obama is what I call the “Obamites” or sometimes I call them “Obamies” (Obamies = Obama zombies). During Obama’s first Presidential election, these were the idiots that sat there moaning out the “Yes we can” chant which reminded me of either zombies or cultists as that are only capable of thinking what their master (Obama) tells them. These Obamites are eating Obamas words up when he goes on about how he is going to do what it takes to pass his agenda even if it means throwing the Constitution and all the laws of the land out the window. These idiots were actually cheering him on and encouraging him to go even further then he has so far. These dunderheads want to be ruled with an iron fist as long as it means that they won’t ever have to think for themselves. And yes, the Occupy idiots as a whole fall into this category too, I will explain that in a later post when I can find their “list of demands” (yes, like what hostage takers have).
On top of all the stupidity I have mentioned so far surrounding Obama, to make matters worse; we have the Republican field of candidates that are destroying each other for the chance to then have what is left of them destroyed by someone who, by all rights should be imprisoned, should not even have a chance to win the Presidential election because of how badly he screwed up during his first term. The one person who I think had the best chance of beating Obama got ran out of the race due to his opponents and the liberal media trying to remove him due to the fact that he was clearly the best choice. Yes, I am talking about Herman Cain. The man had to quite due to all of the deceitful attacks against him from both sides because he was the biggest threat. How do I know that the attacks, or if you prefer, sexual allegations against him were false? Simple. That fact that once Mr. Cain announced that he was suspending his campaign, all the women accusing him vanished from the limelight. Now what are we left with? Five bickering fools who all think that they have a chance against Obama when they are doing all of his dirty work for him in the primaries.
To be fair, they do have a chance to beat Obama, an idiot who is brain dead from huffing too many fumes would have a chance at beating Obama, that is how bad he screwed up in his first term. If you are listening Barack, that is what governing against the will of the people gets you. But the fact still remains that by the time one of them gets to Obama, they will have bloodied and bruised themselves so bad that they won’t stand a chance. What the Republicans should have done is focus on how they as individual candidates compare to Obama then let the people chose which one they think is the best candidate to go against the Dictator. Instead, they try to go after each other while going after Obama. Idiots.
I hope we will one day be able to restore this great nation back to its former glory but as long as this kind of idiocy is allowed to continue, nothing will change for the better and we will keep tracking toward destruction.
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