I hate to be the one to bear bad news but I feel it necessary now. One of the things that I feared would happen has happened. As such, I am now calling the Presidential election. I know, I know, you are thinking that is too early to call, but trust me when I say, no it isn’t. No matter who wins the election at this point, none of them will be any better than what we already have in office, Barack Obama. The real losers this election year are the American people, plain and simple. With Michelle Bachmann dropping out there are no more real fiscal conservatives left in the running with the exception of the one person who terrifies me the most due to his global and social policies, Ron Paul. In case you are wondering what exactly I mean, I am talking about the few choices that we have left in the Republican field.
First, there is Mitt Romney. If Obama had a magic mirror that would show what he would be like if he were white instead of mixed, the reflection would show Mitt Romney. “What do you mean by that?” you are probably asking yourself. Am I making a statement about the fact that Obama is a “black” man? No. I am just saying that the only difference between the two is as superficial as skin color. As much as Mitt tries to talk about how wrong Obama is and how bad his policies have been, he can never get away from the fact that everything he has stood for in the past mirrors Obama and his policies. Since that is the case, if Mitt gets elected to run against Obama, we will have a choice of Barak Obama the second term vs. Mitt Romney, Obama 2.0.
Second, there is Newt Gingrich. This little man is so twisted in his political views that half the time he is staring up his own ass. Newt doesn’t know which way he is coming or going from, nor does her care. He is going to keep barreling ahead, even if it means that he ends up with his head in his ass. He calls himself a fiscal conservative but his record sings a different tune. The man is a fan of big government and is of the opinion that government is there to help the people through increasing regulation and restrictions of freedoms.
Third, there is Rick Santorum. This man like a spinning coin, he spins round and round. You never know which way he is going to land till he lands and then you are not sure that you like the side he lands on, but that’s ok, he’ll just spin a little more till he thinks that you are happy. His policies are designed to fit whomever he is directing them toward in his lackluster fashion and he will never commit to one thing or the other out of fear of offending someone, somewhere.
Forth, there is John Huntsman. Do you know who John Huntsman is? No? Don’t feel too bad, most people don’t know him either. Moving on.
Fifth, there is Rick Perry. Ahhh, Rick Perry, lovable huggable Texan, Rick Perry… You know what? I am not even going to get started on him. He is not worth the waste of space it would be to talk about. Moving on.
Last but not least, there is Ron Paul. Where to start with Ron Paul… Oh, I know let’s start with the good. Ron Paul is the only true fiscal conservative in the running. He believes in cutting taxes as well as cutting a lot of the unnecessary and wasteful spending that goes on in Washington. He even has the record to back up his claims of being a fiscal conservative and nobody can really dispute that fact. Unfortunately, that is where the good ends. On social policies, Ron Paul is a flipping nut job. He believes that ALL drugs should be legalized and in general promotes anarchy with the rest of his social policies since he believes that ALL government regulation and control is wrong and harmful to the people enslaved by said regulation and control. On his global policies he believes that every country should stay out of every other countries business, therefor we should let all the other nations of the world do whatever they want no matter of the potential treat it could pose to us. This wouldn’t be a problem if every nation in the world was content on leaving each other alone, but sadly that is not the way things work. There are real threats to the US out there that have to be addressed or else they will become a major problem. Look at Iran, China, North Korea and Russia. Do you honestly think that they are content to sit by and not try to bully the other nations of the world around? No, they want to be top dog and everyone with half a brain knows it. Ron Paul is insane if he thinks the world would ever function the way he seems to think it should.
But, despite the sour and pessimistic note I started this post on there is actually hope. Something to strive for since the Presidency is lost. We all need to work hard to get fiscal conservatives that have some backbone (unlike John Boehner) who are not afraid to stand up to not only the Dems, but the establishment Republicans who are content with the status quoi. We need to fill the House and Senate with people who truly want to see this great nation rise up once again and become the light of freedom for all the world that we once were. We need to elect people who will stand on principle and not back down because this poll or that poll says that they should. On top of that we need to elect enough of them to get a veto proof majority so that no matter which one of these 7 losers (count Obama) gets elected into the office of President, they can’t screw up this nation any worse. I know that electing enough to have a veto proof majority is tough. It’s a lot harder than focusing on the Presidency alone but we are left with no choice.
We no longer have Herman Cain or Michelle Bachmann to look too as the next Presidental hopefull. As I said before, all the options that we have left are no better than what we have now. We are at a crossroads with this election and I’m afraid that we may have already committed to a path that we can no longer divert from. We have already lost the Presidency, let’s not lose anything else and maybe we will have the chance to turn this boat around and get back on the right course.
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