Just to let all of you who read my blog know, I am slowly but surely working my way through a transcript of Obamas State of the Union speech. I plan on breaking the whole thing down piece by piece, dissecting it so that you won’t have too. It will more than likely be a multi-part post because of how long winded the speech is and all the crap there is to talk about that is in the speech. Once I finish slugging through the whole thing I will get to work on the posts. Thank you for your time and patience.
Though, since I have you here… I don’t know if you have heard about Obama’s childish little blow up at the Governor of Arizona, Gov. Jan Brewer because she didn’t talk favorably about him in her book. Let us examine this for a minuet… She is a Republican Governor of a mostly Republican state that has been targeted by Obama and his Justice Department over the state trying to enforce immigration laws by making their own since the Federal Government refuses to do its job on Obama’s orders… On top of that, the DoJ is targeting individual law enforcement agencies in her state with the express interest of preventing them from enforcing the laws that protect its citizens…
Talking to you now, Obama. You wonder why she talked poorly about you in her book? Perhaps because of all the crap you have done to try to harm her state and the people therein. Are you so narcissistic that you can’t comprehend that if you treat people poorly that they are going to return the favor? Do you understand that your idiotic actions have consequences? What kind of world do you live in? Do you live in a fantasy land where you do no wrong and everyone loves you because there is no other way that they could possibly feel since you obviously are the second coming? You sicken and disgust me with how pathetic you are. You need to grow the hell up and get over yourself. Just because you won the election (and through increasingly suspicious means…) doesn’t mean everyone is going to like you and the bs line that anyone who doesn’t line you must be racist is just that, bs. You want to know why I don’t like you? I don’t like you because you are actively trying to destroy the country that I love with your socialistic and communistic policies. It has nothing to do with your race so get over it. You are supposed to be an adult, act like one and quit crying you sniveling little baby!
Sorry about that, my dear readers. I had to get that out. Anyway, I hope to have my breakdown of Obama’s speech part 1 up soon. Thank you once again for your time and patience.
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