Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Social Security Relief... Tax Cut or Investment Cut?

I know that this is a little late but, this has been bugging me all of the Christmas holiday so I am going to address it now.  For those of you who do not know, Speaker Boehner caved in to the Senates demands that the House pass their 2 month extension of the Obama “tax cut”.   Speaker Boehner had been standing strong (or so it appeared) against the 2 month extension in order to get a 1 year extension instead.  This would be good for businesses because a tax that only lasts for 2 months guaranteed is hell on them when it comes to doing payroll, where as a 1 year guarantee will insure that the businesses will not have any surprises during the fiscal year to throw them off in accounting.  But I get ahead of myself; let me start with telling you about this “tax cut”.

The “tax cut” that Obama and Reed (as well as the majority of the Dems) have been bitching about is not really a tax cut at all… that is unless they are now admitting that Social Security is a tax.  Up until recently the Dems have always sold SS as an investment into your future for when you retire.  You pay into the system then when you reach a certain age; you get the return on the money you put in.  This would work fine if it were executed the way that it was originally intended to be executed, but instead of the money sitting there waiting for you to claim it, the Federal Government spends it in ways that it was not meant to be spent.  The fact of the matter is; the money that we as tax paying citizens put into the system is already claimed by someone or something (other programs that are deemed important) else instead of staying put for the rightful owners (the people who are paying in.. aka us) to claim at a later date. 

I, myself have said for years that this makes SS a tax as opposed to an investment and the fact that money gets given to other people rather than the ones that put it there.  By this I mean the people who are currently putting the money there, I know the people who invested in the years long gone are now getting paid for what they put in, but the simple fact is, the money they are getting is our money not theirs… theirs got wasted years ago.  I know it sounds cruel to talk about it like that but the simple fact is once we get to the point to where we are supposed to get our return on out SS investment, we will be the ones leeching off of the current generation that is paying in.  That is if SS can last long enough for us to even see a return on our “investment”.  This is one reason I supported George W. Bush’s push to allow people to invest the money that would have gone to SS in stocks instead, there would be a better chance for us to see an actual return on our money.  But once again, I am getting off topic.  Fact of the matter is, the only way that Obama and the Dems can claim what that the “tax cut” that they were pushing for is just that… a tax cut, is to say that SS is a tax which is something that they have vehemently denied for decades.

Now on to what this “tax cut”.  What the Dems want to do is provide an extension for the current “Social Security Tax Holiday” which reduces the amount of SS that is cut from your check when taxes (and your “investment”) are taken out.  The Dems did this to make it look like they could be tax cutters like the Republicans were under George W. Bush.  But the reality of the situation is this… the money that they have cut from being withdrawn goes into the SS system which is already being strained because of wasteful spending and a lack of planning ahead.  Because we are now putting less money in the system that means that when it comes time for us to get out return (once again to remind you… if SS is still around at that point, which would be a miracle) there will be even less money there for our twilight years because we put less in then we should have.  On top of that, the people who are currently receiving our money (because their money has been wasted) have less money to pull from because of the decreased revenue, therefor the Federal Government has to borrow the remaining amount that SS is supposed to cover from other countries or the Fed (but that is a whole other topic all together).

So in light of all this information you are probably wondering why the Republicans are even wanting to push for an extension on this “tax cut” period.  The answer is simple really; they don’t want to look like the party that caused people to have less take home money on their paychecks going into an election year.  It would make them look like they have compromised their principles by “raising taxes” on hard working Americans.  Of course this isn’t true, but we are talking about politics here, are you really surprised?  So it that is the reason that they are for the extension then why are they pushing to make it last a year?  Because as I mentioned before, only extending it for two months puts an unnecessary burden on employers, making them have to spend more time and money when calculating the numbers to pay their employees.  At least with a one year extension, while not good for everyone as a whole, it would help the people who create jobs which would hopefully encourage them to create more jobs since they would have more money because the taxes would be simpler. 

So why did Speaker Boehner cave then and give the Dems the two month extension instead of holding out for the one year extension like he said he would?  I don’t know.  I know that part of that deal was an agreement that they would come back in January and begin talks about a one year extension again, but if he is going to let the Dems push him around like that, then when they go to talk about them again things won’t go as he hopes.  He has placed himself in the weaker position because now the Dems know that all they have to do is lean on him a little and he will fold…  This isn’t this first time Boehner has demonstrated this lack of spine either which only encourages the Dems further.  I am sick of the lackluster leadership that the Republican Party has had in the last few years.  It is time for someone who had the guts to stand up for the good of our nation, not the good of their political career.  Yes that means looking like the bad guy (or girl) from time to time, but something has got to change, otherwise we will become a reflection of Europe and I don’t know if you have paid any attention to what is going on over there at the moment, but it is not pretty.  We need to remove Speaker Boehner and replace him with someone who has a spine and will stand for conservative principles.  If we don’t do that, nothing will change any time soon.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Where I have been...

Hello to all the people who actually take the time to read my blathering commentary about the current political atmosphere.   I know I have not posted anything since October, so I thought I should tell you all why. 

In November, I participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and as it was such, I wrote a novel (Novel in this case is defined as 50,000 words of more).  I was able to complete my novel in by November the 25th and because of the stress of writing that much that fast, I decided to take some time off from writing afterward.  I am not a professional writer, nor have I ever taken any writing classes, so the novel was an attempt to see if I could do it and if I enjoyed it.  Turns out I enjoyed it quite a bit, plus I think the novel isn’t half bad. 

Since that is the case once December rolled around I started the editing process on my novel.  So far I am about three quarters of the way through the first edit.  I have added about 2,000 words to the original body of work as well as correcting a lot of the grammar mistakes I have made in the initial writing of the story.  My ultimate goal by the time I finish all of the editing for the book is to have between 70,000 and 100,000 words.  I don’t know how to accomplish this, but hey, I will let the story go where the story goes.

I will be back to the blogging about politics soon, but I really feel the need to keep my focus on this book for the moment.  Lord knows I am missing out on a LOT of material that the lefties are giving me to talk about that, but with the novel I just haven’t had time to do all the research I need to do in order to make sure that you, my faithful readers, are well informed. 

If any of you readers out there are curious about the book, I am going to post some information about it on my other blog “Musings of a Mad Poet”.  This is a blog I initially started as a place to challenge myself with poetry exercises but that has initially gone by the wayside because I got to the point that I didn’t want to post any more poetry.  For a while I have been wondering what to do with that blog but now I think I have a use for it again.  I plan on keeping people who are interested in my book up to date on it through that blog.  I will still use it for its original purpose from time to time, but mostly it will be dedicated to my nonpolitical writings.  I may even change its name to something catchy like “Excessively Boring Drivel That Will Make Your Eyes Bleed” though I doubt it.

Anyways, back to the point…  I am still here, nothing has happened to me, just been busy.  Maybe as my writing improves I will be able to reach a point to where I can handle both me political and nonpolitical writings simultaneously.  Check back at least once a week here, I am going to try to have some new stuff up by mid-January at the latest, though I hope to have it much earlier.

Monday, October 10, 2011

"We Are the 99%"... Misinformed

The “Occupy” people ( I say Occupy people instead of Occupy Wall Street people because it is no longer restricted to Wall Street) claim they are the 99%, that capitalism doesn't work for them, it only works for the top 1%. That is one of their claims. They are gravely misled, capitalism works for anyone in America who has the gumption and drive to succeed. For capitalism to work you have to be willing to get off your ass and take a risk that in the end turns into a profit (financial, emotional, or both) for you.

The problem with the Occupy people seems to be that they want others to do for them instead of doing for themselves. This alone makes them less then 99% it makes them more like the bottom 50% (you know, the ones that look to the government to provide for them instead of trying to earn a living) who want to drag other down to their level. They have no respect for hard working Americans who are trying to make a living in this tough economy, instead they try to rile them up into a frenzy by asking questions like “Are you ok with the fact that you probably paid more in taxes last year than corporations, yes or no?” Lets analyze this question for a second.

First, this question is a misleading question, it interjects the assumption that first, most people are paying more in taxes then the “Evil Corporations” This is not true. The question is meant to play on the emotions of the individual asked in order to make them have a negative view of corporations. After all, ARE YOU OK with this horrible situation? Don't you think you should be angry about it? The situation is not being thrust upon you, this question just assumes that you are a faceless victim and then it thrusts this perceived situation upon you, never giving you a chance to counter the claim. It is designed make the person who was asked assume that these evil corporations have been weaseling their way out of paying taxes, leaving the rest of us (Americans) to pick up the burden. The fact of the matter is most Americans (51%) pay no taxes at all with the exception of sales tax, and even then there are some that avoid that as well. The average working American actually falls into the 35% that only pay 25% of this nations taxes. The top 1% that the Occupy people are attacking pay 45% of the taxes, almost half of US tax revenue. The remaining 13% pay the remaining 30%.

Secondly, the question is ended in such a way to make it a yes or no question. This is not a yes or no question because everyone's financial situation differs and I can promise you, the Occupy people more then likely pay a lot less in taxes then corporations. The question is designed to guide the person asked into thinking about it on simplistic yes or no terms, throwing logic and reason out the window, thus making the person asked more malleable to the Occupy logic or lack there of. Once they have the hook set they can start feeding more misinformation to the individual asked in order to recruit them to the cause.

In asking idiotically misleading questions like this, the Occupy people look to bring emotionally charged people (useful idiots if you will) into their fold where they can keep feeding them lies in order to make them angrier. This will eventually lead to a mob mentality. When you think about it, that will be ideal for the Occupy people, because ultimately every mob needs someone to direct them in order to make them as effective for the Occupy movement.

These people think that they are the core of the Occupy movement, but they don't realize that they are carefully getting worked into a mob, instead it is the people who are masterfully directing these useful idiots that are the real core. These Occupy protesters don't even realize that the masterminds behind this movement are actually some of the people that fall into the 1% (like George Soros) that they claim to hate. Fact of the matter is, if the masterminds behind this movement succeed in what they are trying to bring about, it will drive the people they are using (the protesters) into the ground, giving them a platform to snatch up the power that they think should be theirs.

If you are one of the people who finds themselves getting sucked into the Occupy Movement, be careful. If it continues at the rate that it is growing we will start to see rioting start soon from these Occupy groups. Get out before it comes to this, once we hit the stage where rioting starts it will be too late to get out. The Occupy Movement is getting close to that point, they are already displaying images of bankers and CEOs being hung as well as displaying the likeness of CEOs heads on pikes. It is only a matter of time before these people turn to full blown violence. Get out while you can, please!

I'm going to build upon these and other thoughts in future posts so sorry if this one seemed rushed, I just don't have time to put all my thoughts down for you. I will leave you with one last thought to consider, Remember, they are calling for REVOLUTION not reform, that alone should be call for alarm.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Old McDonald Had an Illegal Alien" (And Other Great Hits Like "Illegal Aliens Fell on Alabama")

Alabama's new illegal immigration law came under a lot of fire before it was implemented, as many lies and distortions were told about the law by liberal groups and media in order to make the Hispanic populace scared. Once the law finally got implemented the earth shattering consequences that were predicted simply did not occur, but the cries of indignation remain, fueled by half truths and lies told about the aftermath if the implementation of the law. I hope to clear some of these things up for you.

First I want to address the people who claim that this law is a racist blow to discriminate against the Hispanic population of Alabama. This is a distortion of the law. The law never singles out Hispanics, in fact it worded to prevent officers from discriminating against anyone based off of their race. How can the law be racist if it designed to protect against racism? On top of that, why do the people who state this automatically assume it is targeting Hispanics? Do they believe all Hispanics are illegal? Going with that line of thinking, do they think all non-Hispanics are legal? Don't they realize that people how are not of Hispanic decent can be here illegally too? After all, there are more countries out there besides America and Mexico. Case in point, the first person to get detained because of this law wasn't Hispanic, he was from Yemen.

That brings me to my second point. The story that the liberal news media is trying to spin on the illegal immigration law in order to make it look like an utter failure actually assures that the law is working as intended. The previously mentioned story is about three men from Yemen who were arrested on drug related charges. One of them had a drivers license, he was released after making bail, the second had a work visa, he was released after making bail, the third had no form of identification and could not state his drivers license number or social security number, he was detained until his lawyer could prove he was here legally. The liberal news media wants you to think that the police just picked this poor man (the third one) up because he looked like he wasn't a citizen. No they picked him up because he was messing with illegal substances and then was detained because he could not prove he was here legally. He was NOT Hispanic, nor, if you see any pictures of him, does he look Hispanic, that throws the theory that it is a racist law that targets Hispanics out the window.

The law is designed to protect Alabama citizens from criminals, plain and simple. I, for one, have no problem with criminals having it a little tougher. As for those of you who think that illegal aliens (or as the Obama regime wants to call them, undocumented workers) are not criminals, put the crack pipe down and listen up. Illegal aliens come to the USA through ILLEGAL means, meaning, THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW. I know some of you bleeding hearts out there take offense to that, but it is true. “Well, they're just coming here because they want to work to provide for their families in Mexico,” is what some of you are saying right now. Yes, that is the reason some of them come over here, but you know what? That doesn't make it any less illegal, they are still breaking the law. The USA has plenty of guest worker programs that the Mexican citizens can take advantage of in order to come here LEGALLY and work. As for you who are asking “Well, what about the ones here seeking asylum? Hmm? What about them?” Once again, there are legal ways for people seeking asylum, to come here for protection that don't involve breaking the law.

Now to my third point, and this is the one I find myself getting the angriest about. Alabama farmers have stated that this law has dried up the workforce that they relied on for harvesting their crops. They claim that they can't get any non illegals to come work for them, stating that Alabamians refuse to do that kind of physical labor. I don't know about you, but if I was hurting for work (and Alabamians are at the moment with ten percent unemployment) I believe I would jump at the chance to earn some money. If Alabamians are truly refusing to do this kind of work to earn an honest days wage, then that right there says something about the unemployment system not doing it's job right, (but that is a discussion for another time) and we really need to reform it so people stop wanting to settle for unemployment. In fact, some of the local radio stations that have been interviewing these farmers have offered to let them advertise, free of charge, that they need work and where the people who want it need to go and who they need to call. The farmers every time have refused to give out that information so that Alabamians who want to work have no way to contact them for work. Am I the only one that sees the problem there? That, though, isn't that part that makes me mad.

What makes me mad about the claims of these farmers is some of the thing they are saying when talking about how this law has screwed them. I'm not saying all of them have said this but a fair number of times I have heard this said (yes this is a quote), “Them brown skinned folks is the only ones that will come out here and do this kinda work. Colored folks and white folks won't stoop to doing this kinda back breaking work. After all, them brown skinned folks is built for it, they are made to work out in the heat and the sun.” Not all the farmers have said exactly that (but the nature of what is said is the same) but that it the latest I have heard with my own ears, which is why I quoted it. Am I the only one this kind of speech ticks off? How dare they refer to these people like they are live stock! Both Illegal and legal Hispanics are not live stock! This kind of speech churns my stomach, it is disgusting, reprehensible, hateful, and extremely offensive. The last time speech like this was said about a people based off their skin color was back when plantation owners were told they could no longer use slave labor. Is that what we have come to think of these people who come here looking for work as? Slave labor? NO, if they come here illegally they may be criminals, but they are NOT slaves!

The plantation owners had to change their business model when they could no longer use slave labor, the ones that didn't throw up their hands in defeat survived and were able to continue earning a profit thru legal means. The farmers here in Alabama need to do the same, adjust their business models and they will see their business survive. Those who refuse to change will see their business crumble and fall, that is the simple truth to it. They can succeed by hiring legal citizens who want and need the work, they just have to try.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Occupy Wall Street Zombies Drink Kool-Aid, Not Tea!

I am so sick of people comparing the “Occupy Wall Street” movement to the Tea Party. This is a complete misrepresentation. The two movements have nothing really in common. The Tea Party stands for upholding the principles that this nation was built upon, once again relying on the Constitution to lead us as it is written, not the twisted interpretations that politicians have come up with to promote their own agendas. The Occupy Wall Street movement is all about destroying the current system in order to create an environment of chaos, in which they can rebuild the financial structure to a socialist utopia model that has been tried in Europe multiple times, failing every time, driving those nations into chaos in the process.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is a destructive force that is building on the left, much like the Tea Party was a constructive force building on the right. The Occupy Wall Street movement is attempting to place themselves into the same position as the Tea Party except they are going about it in a completely different fashion. The are using lies and deceit to try to affect the emotions of the ignorant to cause them to rise up against against the financial systems of the US. They are backed by groups that have been known to have malicious intent against the US government including Anonymous.

If you need proof of this I present a transcript of the promise of attack posted today by Anonymous ….

“Greetings, Institutions of the Media.

We are Anonymous. The events transpiring within Wall Street have caught our eye.
It seems that the government and Federal agencies enjoy enforcing the law a little bit too much. They instate unjust laws as mindless automatons, blindly following orders with soulless precision.

We witness the Government enforcing the laws that punish the 99% while allowing the 1% to escape justice, unharmed, for their crimes against the people. We have observed this same Government failing to enforce even the minimal legal restraints of Wall Street’s abuses. This Government who has willingly ignored the greed at Wall Street has even bailed out the perpetrators that have caused our crisis.

We will not stand by and watch the system take over our way of life.
We the people shall stand against the government’s inaction.
We the people will not be witnesses to your corruption and ill gotten profits.
We will not labor for your leisure.
We will not assist you in any way.

This is why we choose to declare our war against the New York Stock Exchange. We can no longer stay silent as the population is being exploited and forced to make sacrifices in the name of profit.
We will show the world that we are true to our word. On October 10th, NYSE shall be erased from the Internet. On October 10th, expect a day that will never, ever, be forgotten.

Vox Populi, Vox Anon.
The Voice of The People is The Voice of Anonymous.
We are Legion. We are the 99%.
We do not forgive. We do not forget.
Wall Street: Expect us”

Anonymous has once again proven their dedication to anarchy thru terrorism in order to harm innocents who are hard working individuals trying to make a living the best they can. They claim, like the Occupy Wall Street movement, that this is the will of the people and for the good of the people. How is terrorism and chaos good for the people? All that does is creates an atmosphere where might will make right, in this case might being money. Don't these idiots realize that the people with the money are the ones they are claiming are the problem? By taking the steps that Anonymous and the Occupy Wall Street movement are taking, they are setting it up to put the people (George Soros for example) they claim to hate into stronger positions of power. In fact I personally believe that the people that will benefit (see the prior sentence) are the ones behind stirring the pot of ignorance that has led to this.

The Tea Party on the other hand has taken steps to educate anyone that is willing to learn about the principals that this nation was built upon. Thru doing that they hope to raise awareness of the corruption and abuse of power in Washington. They believe that thru proper and truthful knowledge the people will gain the knowledge to elect people into office that will enact change that is sorely needed to bring back honor and integrity to our government. It also encourages non-politicians to get involved in politics in order to bring about the changes that our government sorely needs. It also encourages dissenting views in order to encourage intelligent debate on the issues in order to guide our nation to the prosperity that we once had.

The Occupy Wall Street movement, hand in hand with Anonymous, is attempting to remake America through promotion of ignorance and terrorism, whereas the Tea Party is attempting to steer America back to it foundations and principles through promotion of knowledge and education. There are hard times coming. Which side will you stand with?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"I Wish That They Would Just DIE!!!"

I have seen a disturbing trend in liberal people recently, it has to do with the way they treat conservative female politicians. Mainly I'm referring to Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. I don't know where this express hatred for those women comes from but I have heard numerous liberals calling them offensive names (I would list all of them but some of the less offensive ones are names such as bitch, whore and slut. You can use your imagination for the more offensive names) and saying that they wish they would die.

You would think it would only be men talking like this, but the fact of the matter is, it seems to be more women then men saying these offensive things. Furthermore, the women who are saying these things are the ones that belong to women's and feminist groups. You would think that, if anybody were going to stand up against the name calling it would be the people in these groups, yet they seem to encourage it. Why?

I don't hear any conservative groups talking about any women, conservative or liberal like that. Is it possible that these liberals (and by liberals I am referring to all, politicians and everyday people), despite all their talk about civility and toning things down can't take their own advice? That is what it seems like to me. I, personally, have never heard a true conservative (and just so you know I am not talking about politicians as well as the working people who are true conservatives) say any of this hate filled deconstructive rhetoric.

If I, or any other conservative out there were to call Nancy Pelosi a “stupid little whore” that needs to “shut the hell up and die for the good of the country” we would be vilified and told that we are the reason for all the decision in America. Likewise, (going to touch a little on racism now mainly because I have heard these things said about Herman Cain, even though it is slightly off topic) if I, or any other conservative, were to call Maxine Waters an “Uncle Tom” along with the “stupid little whore” and “shut the hell up and die for the good of the country” comments we would be accused of trying to incite lynching and branded a racist.

When are the liberals that are good people actually going to stand up against this kind of speech? Are they ok with it because it is being said about people that they disagree with? If so than they need to look at themselves and the ideals they claim to stand for. They will see how hypocritical they are being.

I, and a lot of the conservatives I know, disagree with Barack Obama (I know still off topic, but I feel he is a bit more of a predominate figure to use as an example). We don't want him to die. We just want to get him voted out. It is nothing personal against the man, we just think his policies are bad for the country and are bring us down, much like Bush did in the last 2 years he was in office. We aren't going to go around and call him “crack whore” just because he smoked crack at one point in his life (which he did, he admitted it proudly) and we disagree with him.

We aren't going to start calling Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, or any other female liberal any of the names that we hear them calling conservative women. Why? Because, despite the fact that we disagree with them, we still respect them as human beings. Despite all they say that we feel is one hundred percent off target, we still respect their right to have an opinion. Doesn't mean they are right, doesn't mean we are right, but at least we admit they have the right to formulate their own opinion regardless of whether or not we agree with it.

Just because Michelle Bachmann thinks that an unborn child has the right to live or believes that homosexuals make a choice to be gay due to traumatic experiences in their life, doesn't mean you have to agree with her. But to wish her dead because she believes those things? That is ridiculous.

As for Sarah Palin, she isn't even running for office, why are you libs so threatened by her? Is it because she challenges your world view? You constantly bash the woman left and right trying to make her shut up, but all you are doing is making more people take note of her message.

And as for all you women's and feminist groups out there that stand idly by watching these women get attacked and threatened, shame on you! As for the ones participating in the attacks, maybe you should go back and look at what you claim to stand for. You both allow people to denigrate women everywhere by letting these words go unchallenged. You are saying to all women that they are only allowed to have an opinion that fits your world view (which interestingly enough was formed by men) and if they dare to think anything otherwise then they are less then. You shouldn't be punishing women to think for themselves, you should be encouraging it and lifting women up that think outside the box that has been placed for them to think in.

Monday, August 15, 2011

How to Deal With Cancer, or, Time To Start Cutting

Due to the recent folding of the majority of our Republican House and Senate members on the Debt Limit Deal, the recent attacks (verbal) on the patriotic Americans that call themselves the Tea Party, and the nations first ever credit downgrade, I have decided to write this.

The Tea Party has supported the ideas of a fiscally responsible nation throughout it's short existence. These ideas haven't been the most popular with most Democrats, even the ones that claim they are working toward getting us fiscally responsible. The one thing these Dems keep insisting that we need to do to bring ourselves to fiscal responsibility is raise taxes on the wealthy. They don't seem to see the fact that such action will harm the job producers in this country, this in turn will put more people out of work, something we don't need when we such a high unemployment (9.1% of eligible workers are currently filing for unemployment, if you look at the percentage that have stopped trying in to that number you get something more like 18%).

Now, before I go any further, let me clear one thing up so not to confuse you. When I refer to the Tea Party I am not necessarily referring to the Republican party. The Tea Party is comprised of Fiscal Conservatives who want to curb spending for the good of the nation. The Republican party has members of the Tea Party within their ranks, but the Republican party itself does not represent the Tea Party most of the time, in fact it seems like they are fighting against the Tea Party because they are afraid of losing power to the whims of the people. They should be working with the Tea Party instead of against them considering that they both are supposed to be standing same ideals.

The Republicans though are afraid of the Tea Part movement due to the fact that they are now being held under a microscope by the people that they claim to represent, making it much harder for them to get away with all the self serving policies they were passing. They are so afraid of the Tea Party holding them accountable that they have begun to join the Dems in demonizing the Tea Party in an effort to push them out of the picture so that they don't have to worry about their positions.

The Tea Party (the people, not just the politicians) realizes that taxes are just going to hurt us and that the real path to fiscal responsibility is to curb the spending that has become so prevalent as time has passed. They realized that someone had to take a stand in order to stop the wasteful spending in Washington DC and since it appeared no one in Washington DC would step up to plate, they stood up and elected people that stood for what they believed. These individuals have stood up to the Dems, the Republicans, and even Obama, fighting to cut spending and get our deficit under control.

In the recent battle over the debt-ceiling, they stood strong and were even able to provide a backbone for the Republicans that normally would have folded immediately. S&P warned the nation that if it didn't get serious about cutting our spending it would be forced to downgrade us from a AAA to a AA+ rating, meaning that the value of our dollar would drop even more and our interest rates would jump (I know the fed came out later and said it would not raise interest rates, but that is really a sham, will explain later). Unfortunately, the Tea Party candidates just weren't able to support the weight of the entire Republican party and, due to mounting pressure from the Dems and the far left, most of the Republicans caved in the end, leaving the Tea Party high and dry. As a result, the debt-ceiling was raised and our spending cuts were left to the whim of 6 Dems and 6 Republicans (All of whom I honestly think won't do a damn thing) who, if they can't reach a consensus, will cause automatic spending cuts to go into affect (mainly on the military). This method of making cuts (Oh, they can also raise taxes if they deem, just thought I would mention that) is bad for the country and bypasses the ways set up by the Constitution for controlling our spending.

On top of that, S&P, true to their word downgraded us, this sent the Wallstreet into a major downturn, losing all of the gains made in the year over a few short days. The Fed, as a response said it wouldn't raise interest rates, instead it would leave them where they were at till 2013, just long enough for another administration to deal with unless (heaven forbid) Obama wins his reelection bid in 2012. If that happens, then the Obama administration can continue it's destructive policies unhindered.

Now, because of all the misfortune brought on due to the insanity of the Dems policies of keep doing the same thing and hope for a different outcome, and due to the Republicans proving once again that they have no spine (even when one is provided via the Tea Party they slither off it so they can fold under pressure), we are in an even bigger mess then before.

Who do you think both the Republicans and the Dems are blaming all this on? The Tea Party.

Just like the Obama administration has done throughout it's entire time in power, the Dems and the Republicans have decided to try to pull the wool over the eyes of everyone by blaming their new scapegoat, the Tea Party. This behavior is expected of the Dems (sadly enough), but the Republicans jumping on the bandwagon with the Dems is downright reprehensible. They are attacking the people who have stood up for them, backed them against the assault of the Liberal machine, and voted for them so that they could do the right thing and balance the power in Washington. The fact that they would turn their backs on the people who put them where they are is disgusting.

Now to be fair, there are still some Republican that still stand with the Tea Party even though they were not Tea Party candidates and those have done this nation proud by standing on principal. These party members have shown real courage standing up to their colleagues and will have the full backing of the Tea Party in the election cycle that is coming up (my opinion, not fact). The rest of the Republican party though has proven itself to be unreliable and in need of removal.

We need to cut these Senate and House members like the cancerous growths that they are and cut them out for good, then we need to make sure that we replace them with people who will stand up for the ideals of the Tea Party. Until we replace every last Republican that voted for this disaster, we will continue to go down the path of destruction that we are on. We need people who are willing to stand up and stand strong in the face of the demagoguery that will be thrown at them. We need men and women of principle. We need to save America.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Party of No

Why are the Republicans always accused of being the “Party of No”? Can anyone tell me?

I personally think most people hear them being called the “Party of No” and associate the Republicans with not wanting to work together with Dems to pass any legislation. While it does seem like that is the case due to the spin that Democrats are so good at presenting, that isn't the case. Take the whole debt-ceiling fiasco that is currently going on, the Republicans have presented and passed multiple plans (all while being accused by the Dems of not doing anything). Meanwhile the Dems in the the Senate (even the White House) keep insisting that that anything the Republicans in the House passes, they (the Dems) will not even allow it to come to the floor to be looked at. How are any bills supposed to get passed when half the people involved in the process (the Senate Dems) refuse to even look at any of the plans the Republicans have passed?

The really sad thing about how this process usually goes is, each time the Senate refuses to look at these bills that have been passed by the House, the House then turns around and writes up another plan that is a gutted version of the previous bill. The newly gutted bill passes the House, then goes to the Senate where they won't look at it yet again. I think the Dems plan is to just keep rejecting House bills till the House sends them a blank page. So far who sounds like the “Party of No”?

All the while, the Democrats are constantly accusing the Republicans of not wanting to compromise and blaming them of being an obstacle that is preventing anything from passing. The thing that makes this even more absurd is, while they are blaming and spreading demagoguery, they refuse to present any ideas in writing. They work only towards making the Republicans look like villains when in truth the Republicans are the only ones working toward solutions.

The big problem with the Republican party is that in the past when the Dems have used this tactic, it has always worked in getting the Republicans to give in and agree to anything the Democrats want. The Dems even get the Republicans to draw up all the paperwork on it once they give in so that the Dems can come back behind them, copy it and claim that they are the ones who got it done. This definitely made the Republicans the “Party of No”, or as I think of it, the “Party of No Spine”.

Now with the current debt-ceiling debacle, the Democrats are lost once again on what to do so they look to the Republican party for ideas all while blaming the Republicans of doing nothing. Yet this time something is different. Yes, the Republicans have caved little by little on the one-sided (because the Dems are still refusing to do anything) debt-ceiling debate, there are new members in the Republican party that are from the Tea Party crowd. They appear to have at least given the Republican party a partial spine. For once the Republicans seem to be standing firm, refusing to give in anymore past the point that they have (sadly) been whittled down to. While I disagree with how much they have given up due to the Dems tactics, at least they seem to have stopped caving on their principals for the moment.

The Republicans are finally standing up and saying “No”. No new taxes. No new spending. No promised future cuts to the budget that will never come. No allowing the Dems (Obama) to rule against the will of the people.

Lets hope they stick to their guns and stand proud as the “Party of No”

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Debt-Ceiling Bonanza or Power to the 14th

Let me start by citing the part of the 14th Amendment that I am going to be referencing in this post.

Section 4 of the 14th Amendment states:

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

The reason I started with this is due to the fact that the White House is gearing up for an attempt to bypass Congress, citing this section of the 14th Amendment, saying that no matter what we cannot default on our debt. They will say that, due to Section 4, if Congress refuses to raise the debt-ceiling (they may even argue the debt-ceiling is illegal due to Section 4's wording) then the President, as a last hope to prevent default, can raise the debt-ceiling with an executive order. This is one hundred percent untrue.

Nowhere in the Constitution is authority given to the President to...
  1. Make laws in order to pay the debt of which the nation has accrued.
  2. Levy any taxes in order to pay the debts that the nation has accrued.
  3. To bypass Congress in order to pay the debts that the nation has accrued.

In fact in Article 1 Section 8 (the part of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to tax, appropriate and regulate commerce) states that Congress (not the President) shall have the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. The 14th Amendment doesn't and cannot affect the power that was given to Congress in Article 1.

All the 14th Amendment does is require Congress to make sure that the debts of the nation are paid and the majority of those that are covered are the bonds held by bondholders. Almost everything else is required to be put on the back burner if necessary to insure that the bondholders get paid. This puts all payments to social programs (because they are not covered) on hold if the United States cannot afford to pay for them and pay the bondholders. Congress can chose to raise taxes to fund all other programs if they chose, but they must make sure the bondholders get paid before a penny goes to anything else. If Congress chooses not to raise taxes, then they are responsible for cutting spending to these programs (even if it means cutting them out all together) till the bondholders get paid. End of story. That is a fact that cannot be disputed no matter how much the White House try's to spin it.

If the debt-ceiling is not raised, the Obama administration would have you believe, that the US will default. Unless our Lord and Savior Obama, sweeps in and raises the debt-ceiling himself, superseding Congress in all his glory, we as a nation are doomed and will go bankrupt. This is simply not true, and no matter how much the administration says it is, it never will be true.

If the debt-ceiling is not raised, Congress will have 2 options left for them to pick from.

First, they can raise taxes, this is what the Dems are pushing (ever though Obama stated that in a recession you don't raise taxes due to the damage it will cause to the economy) for because that is all they seem to know. They don't care about the fact that that will hurt everyone financially during a time that they are already hurting, all they want is the increased revenue coming in to fund their lavish lifestyles. The Republicans don't want this option to be put in place because they understand that no matter who you raise taxes on, the working middle class and the working poor are going to be the ones to suffer in the long run due to inflation on goods and services.

The second option is to reform entitlement spending on social programs and put the responsibility in the hands of the people, not the government. This is the option that the Republicans are pushing for due to the huge amounts of waste and abuse that is rampant in the system. The Democrats don't want this, stating that it will disenfranchise minorities. What this translates out to is this... “We don't want to force these people to have a chance to better themselves by lifting them up and out of the state they are in by giving them personal control of their financial outcome in life.” Therefor the Dems elect to try to keep the people down, therefor making them reliant on the Democrat party to hold their hands since they will never learn to walk on their own.

I'm not saying that the social programs are bad, don't get me wrong there. We are a compassionate society and we take care of those who can't take care of themselves or have fallen on hard times. The problem is we have to many people who are dipping into the system that are very capable, they just don't want to take care of themselves because the government will do it for them. In some cases people will actually lose money if they go off government assistance. But I am getting off the point.

The point being, if the debt-ceiling is not raised we will not default, we cannot default. Congress has to pay the debt one way or another. The only way the this nation will default is if Congress refuses to do the job that they are bound by law to do. The Obama administration needs to stop the fear mongering (Obama stated today that that the government wont be able to issue social security checks on August 3 if the debt-ceiling isn't raised) about what the serious reforms Republicans are proposing to social security and medicare will do, and start talking seriously with Republicans on how to bring these needed changes about as smoothly as possible for all involved. Until Obama gets serious about this problem, the deadline will come and then it will really be time for the hard decisions.


The Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has proposed this afternoon, a bill that will strip Congress of its power to chose to raise the debt ceiling and turn it over to the President. I cannot put into words how big of a mistake this is. The proposal states that the President can propose a raise to the debt-ceiling up to 3 times a year, provided that he submit a plan with as much in budget cuts as he is raising the debt-ceiling by. Congress then can vote to disapprove the Presidents proposal blocking the raise... or does it? Here is the tricky part... the President can then veto (as long as there was not a veto-proof majority vote) the disapproval resolution and implement the raise without the spending cuts.

This is a stupid proposal on the Senator McConnell's part and any Republicans who vote for this proposal to pass are showing their real colors, they need to be removed from office and replaced with people who are looking out for our best interest. Giving up Congressional power just so you don't have to make hard decisions is a cop out and the American people don't need people like that in power.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Lindsay Smarter Then Obama? The Apocalypse is Nigh!

Recently Lindsay Lohan tweeted this "“Have you guys seen food and gas prices lately? U.S. $ will soon be worthless if the Fed keeps printing money!”  Is this a sign that even Lindsay Lohan understands economics better then our own president?  Does she have a better grasp of the irreparable damage that Obama himself is leading us to while claiming that he is fixing the problems?  The answer.... sort of. 

True, Miss Lohan did tweet a statement about the state of the US dollar and true, it made a lot more sense then anything that Obama (who is seemingly detached from the reality of the state that our economy is in) has said so far.  Unfortunately, (much to my disappointment because I would have had more fun with this post) those words were not her own.  Miss Lohan was paid by the National Inflation Association to tweet those words.  When criticized about the tweet by her fans though, she replied “I actually do care about gas and food prices, so whether it’s an [advertisement] or [not], it’s important for people to be aware of it.” showing that even though the words were not her own, she at least aware that people should be informed about what is going on. 

If Lindsay Lohan can sober up enough to realize there is a problem with the Obama administrations solution to the falling dollar, why can't Obama (who hopefully is sober, though sometimes I wonder) see that his policies are broken and breaking things further.  I often wonder how Obama and his worshipers can look at the way things have gone downhill at an alarmingly fast rate since he started implementing his policies and think that things are on an upswing.  It is plain for me (and most of the other people I have talked to) to see that his policies are destroying the dollar, why can't he see it?  I honestly think Obama knows exactly what he is doing.

Originally I wasn't sure if Obama realized that his policies were destructive.  I thought "Maybe Obama honestly thinks that his proposals will drive the country forward and upward even though historically socialism has failed every time they have been tried.  Maybe he thinks that the American Machine will be the one thing that will change the fact that socialism fails."  Now, I'm not so sure this is the case. 

Ignorance of historical fact is one thing, staying the course and claiming things are getting better when at best they have plateaued is a different matter.  Obama refuses to admit that there is a problem with any of his policies, in fact he goes out to address the people of this nation and lies straight to their faces.  At this point, in my opinion, there is no way he can be ignorant of the facts.  He is knowingly lieing to everyone about the state of the dollar, the unemployment numbers, the costs of Obamacare, as well as the policies the Republicans have introduced in an attempt to fix Obamas screw up. 

The Republicans have even had to sit down with him and call him out on the lies he has told about the policies they were trying to pass to prevent the hole he is putting us in.  Despite the Republicans correcting him (in case he was speaking out of ignorance) on the lies he was telling, Obama goes right back out and continues telling the same lies.  This says to me Obama is willingly distorting facts in order to sabotage the plans that the Republican propose.  I think he is doing this because he feels he has to prove his way is right and anyone else being right is a threat to his picture perfect world. 

Obama feels he has to be right, therefor (in my opinion) he lies about things in a vain attempt to convince himself that he is right.  If he keeps up his mantra long enough, I think that he thinks it will eventually become truth.  Any sane person knows that just isn't the way the world works but that seems to be the way Obama thinks it works.

You can't print trillions of dollars to cover your costs and expect the value of said dollars to remain the same, just like you can't claim that you have positive unemployment numbers (it amazes me whenever Obama brags about how many jobs he has "saved or created" when unemployment is still creeping up and that's not even counting the people who have just given up) when you are still in the negative.  Oh, and for the record, government jobs shouldn't be included in that because they are more of a drain (not saying government jobs are bad for the record) on the governments resources then they bring in.

Miss Lohan may not have tweeted her own words yet she at least seem to have a grasp on the fact that there is a problem even if she is just hitting on a small part of it.  Maybe Obama needs to take a tip from Lindsay Lohan and acknowledge that there is a problem.  Once he does that he can start working towards solving the problem, not making it worse.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Anonymous, Fighters for Freedom? Nay, Fighters for Fear

I have to thank the liberals that use the comments section of news stories on Fox News web site for inspiring this post.  After an hour of trying to explain the simple concept of what qualifies as terrorism, I had to wash my hands of the willfully ignorant people (Yes I am talking about you "thinkanonymous") that populate those dredges.

The story was about the hacker group "Anonymous" and their recent attack against the city of Orlando, Florida by taking down their tourism website with the promise of more to come if their demands are not met.  What are their demands you ask?  They want the leader of the group "Food not Bombs" released from jail after he broke the law by passing out food to the homeless in one of the city's many parks without a permit.  I know, it sounds like the city just arrested a person for having some compassion on those less fortunate, but lets get some facts out in the open. 

1.  The group "Food not Bombs" was purposely feeding people in the park in defiance of the law stating that a permit was required.  These people knew that they were breaking the law and are lucky only their leader was arrested.  If you knowingly break the law then you have to expect to have to pay the consequences.

2.  The city had it's reasons for putting this law into place.  They wanted to discourage the homeless from harassing the citizens and tourists of Orlando.  This would also help cut down on crimes against the homeless that took place in these places.  Also, it protects the people who get a license from lawsuit if they feed a homeless person who then chokes on the food or has an allergic reaction to the food.

3.  The city isn't preventing people from feeding the homeless.  If anyone wants to set up a soup kitchen for the homeless of Orlando in any of the parks, then all the have to do is obtain a permit for it.  There are plenty of organizations and people out there that wish to help those in need and this gives those people and organizations a safe and legal way to do so.

Now on to my point...

Anonymous, by attacking Orlando's websites, have committed criminal actions in an attempt to create fear of retaliation if the city doesn't meet their demands.  This by definition, is an act of terrorism, plain and simple.  It doesn't matter about the method of attack, cyber or otherwise.  Below is the definition of terrorism courtesy of Dictionary.com.

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

If Anonymous's actions don't fall under that definition then I don't know what does.  Anonymous over the last few years has attacked multiple businesses and even government organizations to try to intimidate the victims into bending to their will.  This is just the latest in a long line of crimes these terrorists have committed. 

Also, to respond to some of the stuff "thinkanonymous" said arguing (his/her only defence was that what Anonymous did isn't deserving of death despite I kept trying to point out that not all terrorism crimes are sentencable by death) with me after I gave him/her the hand to talk to, he/she tried to make the case that Anonymous isn't terrorist...

"you think that taking down a site is worthy of execution. it's is not, by definition, terrorism."-thinkanonymous

Actually, yes it is, it falls under the definition of terrorism. It is all in the intent behind the action. Look back up to the definition above.  Got it?  Good. Moving on.  You (thinkanonymous) kept insisting that I was calling for the members of Anonymous to be put to death, but if your tiny little smooth liberal brain would have read, I kept stating "Not all crimes that are acts of terrorism are punishable by death.  Committing crimes in order to make people comply to demands out of fear of the ramifications of the consequences, is by definition, terrorism."  Not that hard to understand, is it? 

Anonymous is a without a doubt, a terrorist organization and it's members that are involved in these various attacks over the years should be tracked down and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for the crimes they have committed. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Needed Response to Idiots

I feel the need to respond to two letters that have recently been published (Wednesday, June 22, 2011) in the Letters to the Editor section of the Tuscaloosa News. I am first going to type up the letter so you can see them then post my response to each. I also plan to send this to the editor and hope they print it as a reply. Here is the first.....

What exactly has Israel done for us?

Dear Editor: This is in response to Debbie Jones' letter "America needs to wake up."

Jones would encourage the U.S. to support the nation of Israel with the silly notion that not to do so would mean that our "Western way of life would be in jeopardy."

I believe what we should be asking ourselves as a nation is, "What has Israel done for us lately?" When has the state of Israel contributed any troops in the numerous wars that are their own backyard? And just what do we get for the approximately $4 billion we send them each and every year in foreign aid?

In fact, Israel and its lobby (AIPAC) has had a very long, if not appropriate, influence in our electoral process and policies in this country. Congressional candidates are carefully screened by AIPAC for their views on the Middle East and are coached to modify positions that are regarded as unacceptable. In other words, they buy votes!

Jones writes that"God Bless America" would soon "ring hollow" if we didn't continue to support the state of Israel. In my opinion, we could probably all start counting our blessings if we would simply stop!

There is one point in Debbie Jones' letter that I can agree with though, and that's that "America needs to wake up!"

James Hallman

Holt, AL

I hate to inform Mr. Hallman of this, but here goes... Israel has done a lot for the USA. Israel has provided military support in the Middle East without fail, when asked. Israel has pledged to support the USA in our endeavors in the Middle East, both in the political arena and the military arena. Israel has provided the USA with invaluable intelligence that have helped the military plan strikes against our enemies as well as locate objectives that the USA wanted to capture or rescue. Also, the Israeli Special Forces help train US Military troops on a regular basis as well as handle some of the interrogations on key Al-Qaeda members that have been caught so that we can keep our hands clean. Israel also has been a reliable staging ground in the Middle East for the US military.

As for the lobbying Israel does to our members of Congress, every nation tries to influence the politics here just as the USA does in other nations. If a nation can bring the politicians of another nation around to seeing things their way, it benefits them. Israel isn't out there brainwashing our members of congress as you suggest. Israel isn't buying votes anymore then the local city council member is when they hand out pens and buttons to their constituency while telling them about what they stand for.

Israel has done these all things for the USA while being surrounded on all sides by people who want to destroy them. I think Israel deserves more respect then it has gotten in recent days from the president and a small amount of the American people.

Now on to the address the second letter.....

Immigration law wastes state resouces

Dear Editor: Here we go again. The governor and the state legislators have been struggling with the budget to decide how to make do with the money that is in precious supply in this state.

So what do they spend their time on? Writing an anti-immigration law that is in lock step with several others that are already tied up in battles in the federal court system. Why do they think they have everything right where others are wrong? It is the same old thing, political posturing.

When resources are low we do not need to be inviting lengthy court battles that will take state attorneys, or worse yet, require the state to hire private attorneys, to fight this battle that the courts have already prevented from being enforced in at least two states.

This law is wrong on its face and any thinking person will have to agree. No one in America has ever had to carry citizenship papers on their person before now. This will really help in attracting foreign companies to open their doors in Alabama, I bet. So their employees and families can be harassed and jailed if they don't have the proper papers on them. Welcome to Alabama's version of Russia.

William A. Formby, PhD

Northport, AL

Mr. Formby has this all wrong. The reason the other anti-illegal immigration bills have been tied up in court is because the Obama administration is fighting against both federal law (which these bills mirror) and states rights to defend its citizens against an outside threat from another country when the US government won't.

This bill isn't an attack against immigration if it is done in the legal fashion. Also, all the bills that are being fought over from other states are not wrong. That has yet to be decided in the court of law. The parts that have been prevented from being enforced so far are the parts that the courts decided would be hard, if not impossible, to undo the damage done to someones' life if the final ruling goes against the bill. That does not mean the bill is wrong or illegal.

As for the lengthy court battles that shall arise from this bill being passed, if the bill is deemed legal and becomes law, it will save the state money in the long term as well as give US citizens the chance to fill the jobs that the illegals were preventing them from obtaining. This would be better for both our national and state economy.

Also, Mr. Formby states "No one in America has ever had to carry citizenship papers before now." What does he think a driver license or a state issued ID is? Doesn't he know that by law we are supposed to be able to present identification to law enforcement officers when asked? That part of this bill is nothing new, it is just a reinforcement of an existing law and anyone here legally has nothing to fear from this bill.

Oh, and as for the foreign companies that come here to build plants like Mercedes, any foreign citizen that is brought over to the USA to work is issued a workers permit that says they have a right to be here. That acts like a social security number for those individuals but with a time limit. It is the workers responsibility to get this renewed, not the states or the employer.

The companies that bring their business to Alabama from other countries do it because of the incentives Alabama offers to them, not immigration policy. They will continue to come to Alabama as long as they are offered these incentives and they will continue to employ Alabamians as long as this relationship continues.

Mr. Formby also states " Welcome to Alabama's version of Russia." Really? Wow, I didn't know Russia (or the USSR as I think Mr. Formby meant) had it so good.

Monday, June 13, 2011

1967 Israeli Borders? HELL NO!!!

Prime Minister Netanyahu,

I know you will probably never read this but, I'm going to have my say. Don't cave into Obama's ultimatum about the borders of Israel. He must have no clue what he is saying otherwise he would know how stupid and dangerous this demand is. His demands puts your nation in such danger from the enemies that surround you that it could ignite a full blown world war if Israel has an all out attack launched at it. Your enemies have proven time and time again that they will exploit any little opening and weakness that they can find in your defences. This ultimatum issued Barack Obama opens Israel for attacks on multiple fronts to where you will not be able to defend yourselves adequately.

I also want you and all of Israel to know that America is still behind you. We support you even if our President does not. The American people will not abandon Israel. Soon, Obama will be gone and hopefully we will elect someone who will openly show support for you and not the many terrorist states that surround you. The American people realize that every time you have given ground in the quest for peace, the ground you gave was then used as staging grounds to attack you.

Obama has no right to give you this ultimatum and, when it comes to the safety of your people, you have every right to ignore the insane demands of this ignorant pretender. Obama has shown himself to be one of the most warmongering Presidents in our history by starting multiple wars when we already had two wars ongoing. This madman has hidden behind the agenda of democracy for the Middle East while causing further destabilization that further threatens Israel.

I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I am beginning to question his motives. It almost seems as if he is seeking out the destruction of your nation. I hope this isn't the case, I would rather Obama just be an ignorant, inexperienced pretender, rather then the insane, warmongering dictator he is acting like.

Stay strong Prime Minister, don't give in.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Mitt Romney, AKA Obama 2.0

Ahhh, Mitt Romney. Don't you realize nobody wants you as president? We already tried giving a socialist a chance, and look at what Obama has done. We have record deficits, we are now waging 4 wars (yes 4 - Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and now Yemen), we are about to be forced into the crappiest government heath care system ever devised (based off your Romney-care, might I add) and racial tensions are at the highest since the civil rights movement.

You aren't fooling anyone Mitt. You promise to undo Obama-care, cut spending and promote and strong fiscal policy, yet look at what you did to Massachusetts. The American people aren't idiots. We know you will continue the work of Obama. You will indeed repeal Obama-care but, you will repeal and replace.... with your own version that will be the same thing, just worded differently. Thanks but no thanks.

We need a strong conservative to come forward to lead the nation, not another socialist that will run us further into the ground. We need a leader who isn't going to start 2 illegal wars (yes I know Obama still has the 60 days after the start to go before congress for the war in Yemen, but that time has long passed for Libya) because he/she decides it is best to bypass congress. We need a leader who will get serious about cutting the budget and deficit, not taking the money from one program, giving it to another (just because you shift money around doesn't mean you actually cut spending) then raising taxes to supplement the program you cut.

We need a leader who cares about the real injustices that occur to the citizens they represent, not pandering to criminals who don't respect our laws by coming to this country through illegal means. We need a leader who will stop trying to feed the world and focus on feeding the people of this great nation that are starving. We need a leader who realizes when we drop off aid to third world nations, that aid instead goes to the people that are preventing those nations to prosper and be able to take care of themselves.

We need a leader who realizes most of the rest of the world hates us and will never support us, no matter how much money we give them. We need a leader who will be willing to pull the money from those who don't support us and tell them to get over it. We need a leader who will stand by our allies like Israel instead of turning our backs and telling them to go back to the 1967 borders.

We need a leader Mr Romney, not a liberal slave who will swing which ever way the money blows. We need a leader who will make the hard choices that more then likely will hurt for a short period of time but will pay off in the end, bringing prosperity to all. We need a leader knows the value of the dollar and is willing to do what is necessary to make it stronger.

We don't need pretenders in the White House Mitt, we already have Obama.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Obama, Republican President!

Once again, I want to apologize for the long delay in my posts. I just haven't had the time to keep up with my blog due to work.

Today, I am going to present a mock news article ( I am not a journalist so forgive me if it isn't in a news format, I tried) presenting how I think the mainstream media would take about Obama if he were a republican. This is inspired from an article I read called "6 Things The Mainstream Media Would Say About Obama If He Were A Republican" by: John Hawkins. I think that there was more that should have been presented in this article but just wasn't said.



Once again President Obama has shown the American people how incompetent he really is as the unemployment numbers took a jump this week. The Obama Administration, even Obama himself promised in the days leading up to this gross showing of idiocy, that there was no way unemployment could go up, the only way the numbers could go is down. Once the numbers came out, Obama and his administration refused to admit that unemployment had even gone up. The administration is acting as if the numbers went down instead of up, upsetting the Americans everywhere. His refusal to acknowledge the current unemployment numbers as evidence that his fiscal policy is a failure has Americans everywhere wondering why they elected such a moron.

This is just the latest of the absurdities that this president has subjected the country to since he has began his reign. Time and time again this president has shown himself to be nothing more then a petty dictator trying to pass himself off as mature leader who desires prosperity for America, not the destruction that all his actions seem to lead to. Who can forget after the election, how Obama stood up to his Democrat opponent, John McCain, and told him "The election is over John." This was the first showing of Obamas iron fist rule that was to come. He was later quoted as saying "Elections have consequences" implying that it was time to pay the piper because there was a new ruler in town.

He later tightened his dictatorial hand around the throat of the American people by passing a massive health care law that, once fully implemented guaranties the economy falls under the massive weight of this bill. That set insurance prices skyrocketing putting further strain on an already strained system that was in recovery thanks to the hard work of the Democrat President Bush. President Bush brought this country back from the brink of destruction after the destructive reign of Republican Bill Clinton, only to be followed by yet another Republican, Barack Obama, guaranteeing that the country slips back into the hole it was coming out of.

Later his ignorance came to light again as, due to Baracks negligence, we had the Gulf oil spill. Obama could have stopped it had he just cared, but did he? No. Then he waited days before responding and attempting to get it stopped. His pride was on full display as he turned down help from all our international allies who were offering all the resources that were needed to get this spill cleaned quickly. Then he dared to say that his justice department was going to be pursuing lawsuits against BP for an accident that he could have stopped had he just not turned a blind eye.

In the mean time, this Warmongering president has continued the wars that President Bush started out of necessity. Obama has made these wars all about oil as a way of furthering his power and the power of his corporate cronies in the oil companies. Recently he decided that those wars weren't enough, he needed even more, so under the guise of a humanitarian action he attracted Lybia. This has shown the world that America may soon become a threat. With such a warlord in charge America could attack anyone at any moment, including its own allies such as Israel.

How were we duped into electing this idiot? That's easy, he played himself off as being a black man, tricking white Americans into voting for him due to guilt over slavery. Black Americans on the other hand voted for him blindly based on the fact that they could finally have a black man as president to represent them. Little did these two groups know, Obama was laughing at them for his deception. This Uncle Tom showed his true colors once elected as an bigoted white man disguised as a black man when he promised money to the downtrodden in Detroit, then after making them stand in long lines, gave then nothing, breaking the spirit of those hard working Americans. Now that the 2012 elections are on the horizon Obama has once again put on the facade of a black man only this time he is trying to incorporate Irish into it as well.

The American people will not be fooled this time. Obama made the mistake of showing his true colors in his first term and no Americans will fall for it again. This buffoon will forever go down in the pages of history as the worst president in the history of the United States of America, worse then ten Jimmy Carters. We don't know who will be the next president, but it can't get any worse unless Obama somehow manages to pull out another win.


To anyone that this mock article makes upset, grow a thicker skin. I just did this to show the amazing double standard in the Mainstream Media. I didn't even address if Obama were a woman as well. If Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann decide to run, I may do a revised article to reflect this.

Remember, as we get closer to the elections don't pay attention to the Mainstream, they will twist the stories to further their agenda. Always do your own research and formulate your own decisions, then vote for the candidate that you believe represents your views, not your race or background. Hold that person to the standards they claim to represent, hold them responsible for their actions. Don't be a sheep.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Power of the People

Today I want to talk about the American people. The reason for this is the recent tornado that hit my hometown and destroyed most of my neighborhood.

In case you have been living under a rock (or like me, not had power of Internet for the last few days, though my power is back on finally, no Internet yet) you may not have heard of the F5 tornado that ripped through Tuscaloosa, AL causing massive destruction across the city and the rest of the state. Last count I heard, in Tuscaloosa alone, there are 47 confirmed dead and over 500 still missing. The city will take years to rebuild, yet with death and destruction all around, the people who have lost it all still lift themselves up and work to help one another.

Five minutes after the storm blew over my house I emerged wondering what wreckage I would find. I looked around at my neighbors homes to see trees down on top of them, trees down in yards, cars who's windows had been busted out from debris. My fellow neighbors emerged from their homes, dazed, as if in a dream, I must have had the same look on my face. We checked to make sure each of us were ok, then began surveying the damage to our homes. I was lucky. Other then my neighbors pecan tree down in my back yard and a few spots where shingles had been torn off, my house and property was undamaged.

We all pulled out cell phones and started trying to get in touch with our families to inform them that we were alright and to see how they were. Cellular service was terrible. Calling out was nearly impossible.

Some of my neighbors that had chainsaws saw that the roads were blocked by trees and knew if people were injured, emergency services couldn't get to them. They got to work clearing the way while the rest of us moved over to the next street, seeing if people were alright. Slowly over the coarse of an hour we made our way over the next 2 blocks... that's when we could see the true horror that this storm had left in it's path. The housing project that was nearby and all the houses close to it were gone, nothing but rubble remained. Police, firefighters and EMS were all working as hard and as fast as they could trying to pull people out of the rubble while trying to keep well meaning citizens out of the area due to exposed and busted gas lines and live wires laying about.

I describe all that so that you understand when I talk about how people have handled the aftermath.

The people of this city have all come together, volunteering their time and resources to help one another. We have people working side by side with the police and national guard to check homes and trees for people alive and dead. We have local businesses that were spared offering their services to those in need, not charging a dime. We have restaurants and individuals traveling the areas that can be traveled to offer food and water to all that need it. We have local hotels that weren't damaged offering shelter to the people who lost their homes. Even our locally owned Buddies food mart is selling gas at cost and donating gas to relief workers, just to help out.

The power of the people in this area is just a small showing of what makes the American people great. We have the most generous people in the world here in the USA. Where disaster falls we rise up and overcome it by helping each other as we can.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Obama Lied, The Economy Died

I was planning on using this post to use this post to detail how the Republicans lost the 2011 budget battle instead of winning it like you will hear from the news media, instead, due to recent events I must change my focus.

While it is true that the Republicans caved on their budget promise to the people of this great nation, I have now reached the conclusion that it is of no fault of their own that they could not complete this promise. It is hard to uphold your promises when you are so stupid that you will believe anything that is told to you by your political opponents, instead of fulfilling the promises you made. You have now set the stage for your defeat in 2012.

After all, we started out with a promise to cut 100 billion from the 2011 budget, but after much name calling, you caved. So then it was 61 billion, and you swore that you would stand firm on that, yet once again, the mud slinging caused you to slip and fall further. Wanting to prove that you didn't want women and children to die or old people to eat dog food, you dropped the cuts to 31 billion. Someone in the Republican party must have realized that a mistake had been made though, so you then worked it back to 38.6 billion.

You smiled and patted yourselves on the back after that, never mind that we the people were demanding that you ignore the vilification and keep your promise. The news media touted about how this was such a great victory for the Republican party and the Dems hung their heads in defeat, screaming bloody murder about how draconian these cuts were! But little did you know, that the Dems were actually laughing and praising themselves for being so clever. The Dems played up their defeat while the CBO got to work on the that actual numbers.

Within a few days the CBO report came out revealing the vile treachery of the Democrat party was thrown into the light. The 38.6 billion in budget cuts only came out to little more then 300 million, and on top of that it added 3 billion to the over all budget instead of actually cutting it.

To make matters worse it comes out that Obama had promised to cut 4 key czar positions then in a written statement said He would not hold up his end of the bargain. The czars that he was supposed to cut were, the Health Care, Climate Change, Auto Industry and Urban affair czars in case you were wondering. Obama lied, waited till all was said and done, then in written word confirmed too all that would listen.... he lied. In a bold move he openly admitted he lied, no sugar coating it, he lied.

Republicans, please explain how it is you trusted this war criminal to up hold his end of any bargain? He has already stated that he will do anything he has to to see his vision for this country come to pass, so how could you believe he would up hold anything? Are you really that stupid?

Think about it, the man that has passed illegal laws and shoved them down the American peoples throats, telling them they will thank him for it! This is the man that illegally went to war without the approval of congress! This is the man who talks down to anyone who disagrees with him because he knows better! This is the man who said he would cut the budget and then at every turn has tried to increase it instead! This man that has passes executive orders that fall outside his given power! This is the man who can't tell the truth about anything, because the truth one day may change for him the next! What the hell makes you think he would do anything he promised to do?!?!?!?

Now because of your caving on the 2011 budget, you have proven you can't be trusted as much as our future dictator can't be trusted.

Obama on the other hand is setting himself up to be the dictator the liberals claimed Bush was and there is no one in Washington that we the people can trust to stop him. The man has grown bold, knowing there is no one to oppose him, after all the Dems think he is the messiah and the Republicans are fools, easily lead astray.

Obama should be impeached for all the crimes he has committed, yet who will stand against him? Not the Dems, Not the Republicans!